Criado por Lilac Potato
mais de 8 anos atrás
The Decalogue
Democratic processes
Electoral processes
The Golden Rule
Human Rights
Political Party
Pressure Group
Situation Ethics
Social Change
Who do some Christians only use the Bible to make moral decisions?
Why do some Christians believe we shouldn't only use the Bible?
Why do some Christians use the Church for guidance on moral decisions?
Why do some Christians use their conscience to make moral decisons?
Why will some Christians not use their conscience when making moral decisions?
Why do some Christians use Situation Ethics when making moral decisions?
Why do some Christians think following Situation Ethics is wrong?
Why are human rights important for Christians?
How can human rights cause problems for Christians?
Why should people take part in electoral/democratic processes?
Why should Christians take part in electoral/democratic processes?
What are some examples of Christian teachings on moral duties/responsibilities?
What are the positives and negatives of genetic engineering?
What are the Catholic views on genetic engineering?
What are the Liberal Protestant views on genetic engineering?
What are the Evangelical Protestant views on genetic engineering?