Criado por Deepak Boopathi
quase 11 anos atrás
The Vedic scheme of life style is known as
Varna scheme takes care of
Asrama scheme takes care of
The classification of society into various groups is known as
Name the four Varnas
Caturvarnayam means
Three stand points of varna classification
Varna based on birth is known as
Varna based on character is known as
Three types of guna
Which is the best and worst guna
Brahmana guna the predominance of gunas
Kshatriyas predominance of gunas
Vaisyas guna predominance
Sudra guna predominance order
Gradation of gunas is present only in
Choice is profession is based on
Stages of asrama scheme
A person who keeps ultimate goal as moksha is called
Grehastha what is primary and secondary in life
Withdrawal from preyas will occur in what stage
Life of learning occurs in what stage of life
Unskilled labour is known as
who performs selfless actions
Commerce and agriculture works are done by
what does brahmana perform