What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is all the living and non-living things that exists in a particular place and the relationships between those things.
An ecosystem is only the living things such as plants and animals.
An ecosystem is all the living and non-living things that exist and the relationships.
What are the three elements of an ecosystem?
Aquatic, land and mixed.
Biotope and biocenosis.
Biocenosis, biotope and relationships.
The biocenosis is the non-living things such as soil, rocks, temperature and light.
A land ecosystem is composed of land and a little of water.
Does the childhood have two stages?
What are the two stages of the childhood?
Baby and adolescence.
Baby and infant.
Since when to when is the adolescence?
From 12 up to 21 years old.
From 12 up to 23 years old.
What is health?
Health is a stage of complete physical and mental well - being.
Health is a state of complete physical and mental well - being.
Infectious are caused by flu.
Infectious illness are contagious and easily spead.
What is a quiz?
A quiz is a type of game of mind, contest or competition of questions in which the players try to answer in a correct form a series of questions.
A quiz is type of game where you try to be the best.
A quiz is a game with questions trap.
When did the quiz start?
In 1791
In 1871
In 1781