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What is the Internet?
A collection of inter-connected computer networks
The World Wide Web
How Many Networks Were Connected To The Internet in 1969?
What Two Devices Are Needed To Connect To The Internet?
Modem and Router
Router and Telephone
What Does Modem Stand For?
Modual / Denominator
Modulator / Demodulator
What Does WAP Stand For?
Wireless Access Point
Wireless Access Port
What Is The Name Of The Set of Rules About How Messages Are Formatted And Transmitted?
What Does TCP Stand For?
Transmission Control Protocol
Transferring Code Protocol
What Does a TCP Do?
Detects Errors
Fixes Errors
What is Packet Switching?
Breaking up of a file into small data to send in packets
Sending Packets of Large Data (3MB) to Someone
Does Every Device Connected To the Internet Have An Assigned IP Address?
What Happens To Packets That Are Lost and Not Acknowledged?
They Are Resent
The Computer Searches Everywhere for Them
What Does a DNS Do?
Allows You To Enter a Web Address and Then Translates It To An IP
Searches for Lost Data from Data Switching
Whats The Difference Between a IP Address and a MAC Address?
A MAC Address is Fixed
An IP Address is Fixed
What is The Name of The Two IP Addresses a Computer Has?
Private and Public
Secret and Open
What Happens If You Use Your Laptop Abroad Connected to The Internet?
The IP Address Changes
The IP Address Stays the same
What is a Data Packet Marked With?
Each packet is marked with the packet number and the total number of packets in the transmission
The City it was sent from
What Does HTTP Stand For?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Highly Technical Transfer Protocol
How Many NICs Does Every Network Device Have?
At Least 1
Has To have More Than 10
What Does a Modem Convert?
A modem converts analogue signals to digital and vice versa
IP Addresses to MAC Addresses
How Many Things are Predicted To Be Connected To the Internet by 2020