What is the equation relating energy transferred, mass, temperature change and specific heat capacity?
How do you work out mass from this equation?
How do you work out temperature change from this equation?
How do you work out specific heat capacity from this equation?
What are the units of energy, mass, temperature change and specific heat capacity?
A 60kg block of aluminium is heated by 20 degrees. The specific heat capacity of Al is 900. Calculate the energy transfer.
What is the equation relating efficiency, total energy\power input and useful energy\power output?
How do you work out the useful energy\power output from this equation?
How do you work out the total energy\power input from this equation?
What are the units for efficiency, total energy\power input and useful energy\power output?
An LED bulb uses 50J of energy and emits 37J of light energy, 1J of sound energy and 12J of heat energy. Calculate the efficiency of the LED bulb.
What is the equation linking energy transferred, power and time?
How do you work out power from this equation?
How do you work out time from this equation?
Name one set of units that can be used for energy transferred, time and power.
What is the other set of units that can be used for energy transferred, time and power?
Bob leaves his radiator on for three and a half hours. It uses seventeen kilowatts of power every hour. What is the energy transfer whilst the radiator is on?
What is the equation linking speed, frequency and wavelength?
How can you work out frequency using this equation?
How can you work out wavelength using this equation?
What are the units for speed, frequency and wavelength?
A wave has a frequency of 15,000 Hz and a wavelength of 20,000 m. Calculate its speed.