Criado por jennabarnes12387
aproximadamente 11 anos atrás
During a Wedding on mount Olympus, Eris the goddess of Discord, was angry she hadn't been invited. What did she do? To what effect?
How does Zeus settle the arguement between the three goddesses?
How do the goddesses try to persuade Paris to pick them? Who does he pick? How is this important?
Who does Aphrodite have no power over?
Zeus, like all the gods, is greatly controlled by Aphrodite's power. He gets tired of this. What does he do to Aphrodite?
Why is her felling towards Anchises such a problem?
What does Aphrodite do after seeing Anchises?
Even though Anchises can see she is more then human, Aphrodite tells him a lie to convince him otherwise. What does she tell him?
How does Anchises react to this?
After Anchises wakes up what does Aphrodite tell him?
What does Aphrodite worn him about?
What was their sons name? What happened to Aphrodite after?