Gareth Gouws
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Organising and leading

Gareth Gouws
Criado por Gareth Gouws aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Organising and Leading Chapter 8 & 9

Questão 1 de 14


Which statement is true? (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Organisations need managers more than leaders

  • Leadership is one of four management functions

  • All managers are leaders and all leaders are managers

  • Managers and leaders do not have the same sources of power


Questão 2 de 14


Which statement is false? (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Leadership is about bridging the gap between formulating plans and achieving goals

  • The behavioural approach to leadership focuses on how leaders should behave in a specific situation

  • According to Fiedler's theory of leadership, how well a leader's style fits the situation determines his/her effectiveness

  • House developed the path-goal theory


Questão 3 de 14


The variables that determine an individual's work performance are... (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Motivation and Ability

  • Motivation, Authority and Resources

  • Responsibility, Motivation and Resources

  • Ability, Motivation and Resources


Questão 4 de 14


Group ______ influences the group's adherence to group performance (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • size

  • composition

  • leadership

  • cohesiveness


Questão 5 de 14


After managers had informed employees by email of a new retirement policy they plan to institute, the employees demanded a question-and-answer session with management. This represents the _______ step in the communication process. (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • encoding

  • message

  • feedback

  • decoding


Questão 6 de 14


Look at the statements below. (Organising)

i. The transfer time between tasks may decrease.
ii. Workers performing small and simple tasks will become very proficient at each task.
iii. Specialisation may lead to absenteeism and lower quality of work.
iv. When an employee who performs a highly specialised job is absent or resigns, the cost of training a replacement is high
v. The more narrowly defined a job is, the easier it is to develop specialised equipment to assist with that job

Now select the combination of statements that are all benefits of specialisation

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • i. ii.

  • i. ii. v.

  • iii. iv. v.

  • iv. v.


Questão 7 de 14


Mrs Mabula, the operations manager of a large organisation, decides to remove some controls from the jobs that her subordinates perform, to delegate more authority to subordinates and to structure the work in complete work units. Mrs Mabula is implementing... (Controlling)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Work teams

  • Job enlargement

  • Job enrichment

  • Job rotation


Questão 8 de 14


In ____ horizontal and vertical authority lines occur in the same organisational structure so that project managers and functional managers both have authority

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • product departmentalisation

  • customer departmentalisation

  • a matrix organisational structure

  • location departmentalisation


Questão 9 de 14


Which of the following is a characteristic of formal authority in an organisation?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Formal authority is vested in people

  • Formal authority is accepted by subordinates

  • Formal authority flows down the horizontal hierarchy of an organisation

  • Formal authority cannot be delegated to lower levels of management


Questão 10 de 14


Read the list of factors below.

i. The environment in which an organisation operates
ii. The strategy of the organisation
iii. The competence and role of staff
iv. The organisational culture
v. The size of an organisation

Now select the combination of factors that influence organisational structure

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • i. ii.

  • i. ii. iii. iii. iv.

  • ii. iv. v.

  • iii. v.


Questão 11 de 14


The owner of a business takes out a loan from the bank. He is therefore accountable for paying it back. Accountability is therefore.....(Organising)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • your duty to perform a task

  • your right to command or give orders

  • the right to transfer authority and responsibility

  • reporting back to justify outcomes


Questão 12 de 14


A transformational leader is someone who... (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • motivates their followers to do more than is expected

  • rewards compliance

  • has strong convictions

  • motivates by exchanging effort for more money


Questão 13 de 14


People followed Fayo's leadership because they like him. This is an example of ....

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • reward power

  • expert power

  • referent power

  • coercive power


Questão 14 de 14


Kaizer Chiefs is a great team and not a group because they have a common purpose and (Leading)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • share information and interests

  • are mutually responsible for outcomes

  • make decisions that benefit everyone

  • receive individual rewards for performance
