Lee Holness
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

The three types of percentage question commonly asked are: Find the percentage of a quantity. Increase or decrease a number by a given percentage. Express one quantity as a percentage of another.

Lee Holness
Criado por Lee Holness quase 9 anos atrás

Percentages (remember what you have learned)

Questão 1 de 1


Preencha os espaços em branco para completar o texto.

A percentage is a number out of .
50/100 = 1/2, so % = 1/2.
25/100 = 1/4, so % = 1/4.
10/100 = 1/10, so % = 1/10.
50% is a half so, to find 50% of an amount, you it or divide by .
To find 10% of an amount you divide by .
To find one quantity as a percentage of another: the first quantity by the second: first/second
then the answer by 100%: first/second × 100%
If an amount is increased, the new amount is than 100%.
If an amount is decreased, the new amount is than 100%.
