Criado por nancy stokes
mais de 8 anos atrás
Point to thumb
Use both hands thumbs and forefingers
Shape hand to
form the letter
Shape the letter using forefinger
and thumb and forefinger of the other hand
Point to the forefinger
Using forefinger and middle finger on both hands, place them together in the form of a cross
Place one fist on top of your other fist
Slide one hand flat across the other, palms facing out
Point to your
middle finger
Trace your finger on the palm of your hand from your middle finger to your thumb
Using the forefingers of both hands, point the knuckle of one finger to the middle of the other finger
Place your pointer finger on the palm of your other hand
Place 3 fingers on the palm of your other hand
Place 2 fingers on the palm of your other hand
Point to your
ring finger
Place your thumb and forefinger to the tip of your
other forefinger
Form a circle with the thumb and forefinger of one hand and place
your pointer finger
to the circle
Place your curled forefinger on the palm of your
other hand
Hook the pinkie fingers of both hands together
Holding one hand flat point to the
side of the palm
Point to your
pinkie finger
Place your forefinger and the middle finger on
the palm of your other hand and spread apart
Interlock the
fingers of both hands together
Use both forefingers to
form the shape
Place your pointer finger on the back of the hand between the thumb and the forefinger
Using flat hand place on hand at
90˚to the middle
of the palm of the other hand