What Equation is this?
Em= RT/zF.ln(ckout/ckin) What is: T- Z- Ckout- Ckin-
What is this equation?
-Each dot is referring to the letter next to it
G= I/dU What is this: where, I= dU= Difference between and
What Equation is This? Label the dots.
F= -D(dc/dx) What is this: F= D= dc/dx= across the
dm/dt=-P.S (C2-C1) What is this equation for: where, P=
π= Cμ.RT What is this equation for: Where, π= C= the R= T=
μi = μi^o (P,T) + RTlnCi What is this equation for: μi^o (P,T) depends on and R is the Ci is the
μi(in)-μi(out) = RTlnCi(in)/(out) + ziF(Vout-Vin) What is this equation for:
Ei = -(RT/zi F) ln ci^(in)/ ci^(out) What is this equation for?:
E= ziFV What is this equation refering to: E - zi - F – (96500C/mol) V -
X = √4Dt What is this equation for?: where, X= D = T =
dS/dt = dSi /dt + dSe/dt What is this equation: dS/dt- in open biological system dSi /dt - the (i) the system dSe/dt – the of and if dSi /dt is bigger than 0 then its an
ds= dQ/T What is this quation for?: Where dQ is the in an and process. T is the thermodynamic process
U = Q + W U= Q= into the system W=