Criado por Yonis Abdi
mais de 8 anos atrás
Who is Qin Shi Huangdi?
Why was he important?
Who was Qin Shi Huangdi?
Why was he important?
How long did he rule?
Who was Mencius?
Who was Laozi?
Who was confucious?
How long was the Western Zhou period?
How did the Qin dynasty rise to power?
What kind of reforms did Shi Huangdi introduce to China?
What is the meaning of 'Shi Huangdi'?
What is the practice of premogeniture?
Why didn't Shi Huangdi appoint his sons to help him gevern his empire?
Why did Shi Huangdi punish the scholars?
Why did Shi Huangdi construct the Great Wall of China?
What is the meaning of assassinate?
What is the meaning of dialects?
What is the meaning of governors?
What is the meaning of standardise?
What is the meaning of tax?