Cara Moore
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Mapa Mental sobre Eire's Neutrality, criado por Cara Moore em 08-09-2016.

Cara Moore
Criado por Cara Moore mais de 8 anos atrás
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Eire's NeutralityAttempts topersuade Eire toenter the war.Attempt 1: June 1940 Britain triedto persuade Eire to join them in adefensive agreement afterGermany defeated France andBritish troops withdrew fromDunkirk. Britain proposed to aUnited Ireland if they allowedBritain access to ports in Eire.Attempt 2: 2nd September1941 Japanese attacked theAmericans at Pearl Harbourand Germany declared warwith USA. Churchill offeredagain for Eire to join the war"A Nation once Again".De Valera rejected theoffer because it lookedlike Germany was going towin the war and if Eireentered the war then theywould lose theirindependence.The prime Minister ofNorthern Ireland wasoutraged when he heardthis proposal.Churchill wasoffering Eire aUnited Irelandbut he againdeclined.Attempt 3: 1942 Britain neededthe treaty ports in Eire as theBattle of the Atlantic was at itspeak and German U-boats weresinking allied ships.De Valeradeclined thisoffer once again.Benevolent NeutralityEire's neutrality was actuallybiased towards the Alliesthis made it benevolentneutrality.Eire allowed the RAF and later the USAir Force to fly over a small part ofCounty Donegal (the DonegalCorridor).This avoided a 100 mile extrajourney to avoid Donegal andprovided air cover for the convoysfor longer.De Valera sent 13 fire engines andfire-fighters from Dublin, Dundalk andDrogheda to help fight the blazesafter the Belfast Blitz.Allied Airmen were allowed toescape unlike the Germanshipwrecked who wereinterned.What the USA thought aboutEire's NeutralityIn February 1945 De Valera gave permissionto the British to build Secret Radar bases inEire.43000 Irish citizens joinedthe British armed forcesincluding 5000 who left theIrish army to join theBritish army.President Roosevelt statedthat Eire's neutrality was 'aserious impediment to the wareffort'.David Gray the US Ambassador in Dublincritizised de Valera for not protesting to theGerman Ambassador after the Belfast Blitz.Northern Ireland's attitude to Eire'sbenevolent NeutralitySir Basil Brooke and Northern Irelandwere outraged with Eire's decision tostay neutral this drove Eire andNorthern Ireland further apart.However NorthernIreland was veryappreciative of Eire'sactions to send firefighters to help fight theblazes of the BelfastBlitz.The British Attitude to Eire's neutralityEire annoyed the British by not accepting their proposalto join the war in exchange for a United Ireland as deValera wanted.How de Valera operated policyof Strict NeutralityDe Valera interned 3 suspect IRAmembers in Eire as the IRA was ahuge threat to Eire's neutrality.Eire refused to give the treatyports and airfields back toBritain.De Valera refused to closeboth the Japanese or theGerman Embassy's inDublin.Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico