Criado por denise.garcia45
quase 11 anos atrás
Imperial France
What is a style?
In the 18th + 19th centuries, why does the concept of a UNIFIED STYLE erode?
What happens to competition between European nation-states during the 1700s + 1800s?
How did national gov'ts use architecture to assert the supremacy of their political systems, social structures, + cultural heritages?
Who designed Arc de Triomphe?
The Arc de Triomphe was designed to...
What arc did Chalgrin base the design for the Arc de Triomphe?
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
(A.W.N. Pugin)
What did the Houses of Parliament symbolize?
Who designed the Houses of Parliament?
What did the Houses of Parliament represent?
What fundamental question did new building types bring up for architects?
Robert Smirke
Who was the designer for the British Museum?
Greek revival architecture
What was one of the basic issues that confronted 19th century architects?
Who designed the Altes Museum?
Karl Friedrich Schinkel
How does Karl Friedrich Schinkel use the language of classical Greek architecture on the Altes Museum?
What serves as inspiration for the entry facade of the Altes Museum?
“The only art that qualifies as historical is that which in some way introduces something additional–a new element–in the world, from which a new story can be generated and the thread taken up anew.”
John Nash
What excavations broadened European knowledge of antiquity?
What brought attention to India, China, and other parts of the eastern hemisphere?
John Nash
What style is the Altes Museum built in?
Who designed the Royal Pavilion?
How does the Royal Pavilion use exotic motifs?
Who was the designer for the Royal Pavilion?
Who designed the Music Room of the Royal Pavilion?
What does the use of iron in the Royal Pavilion kitchen show us?
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
During the Industrial Revolution, an economy based on manual labor was replaced by...
What was transformed as a result of the Industrial Revolution + New Technology?
How is time reorganized during the Industrial Revolution?
What changes occur in spatial relationships during the Industrial Revolution?
What do new paradigms (patterns) of structure and construction do to styles?
What occurs between historical modes of space + structure and new modes?
What does the railroad symbolize?
What do train stations symbolize?
What do train stations become in the 19th century?
What becomes a major urban building type in the 19th century?
What question did architects struggle with during the 19th century?
Who designed King's Cross Station?
What is the facade of King's Cross Station reminiscent of?
Who was the architect + engineers of the Midland Hotel + St. Pancras Station?
What reconciliation occurs with the combination of the Midland Hotel + St. Pancras Station?
What is the approximate span of St. Pancras station?
Compared to the Panthenon, how much greater is the span of St. Pancras station?
“In contemplating the first great building which was not of solid masonry spectators were not slow to realize that here the standards by which architecture had hitherto been judged no longer held good.”
Why was the Crystal Palace so controversial + so challenging for architects?
What purposes did great international exhibitions of the 19th century serve?
Who was the "architect" for the Crystal Palace, International Expo.?
Where was the modular system of iron + glass used on the Crystal Palace derived from ?
Coalbrookdale Bridge. (england)
It so happens that the work which is likely to be our most durable monument, and to convey some knowledge of us to the most remote posterity, is a work of bare utility, not a shrine, not a fortress, not a palace, but a bridge.
Through the bound cable strands, the arching path
Upward, veering with light, the flight of strings,–
Taut miles of shuttling moonlight syncopate
The whispered rush, telepathy of wires.
Up the index of night, granite and steel–
Transparent meshes–fleckless the gleaming staves–
Sibylline voices flicker, waveringly stream
As though a god were issue of the strings. . . .