Criado por Andrew Street
mais de 8 anos atrás
941 Define HT.
941 Give British Hypertension Society targets for BP control.
944 What factors are associated with essential HT?
944 List secondary causes of HT.
944 Describe the end organ damage caused by HT.
945 Describe S & Sx of HT.
947 List associated cardiovascular risk factors that should be looked for in pt's with HT.
948 As part of an examination of a pt with HT what clinical signs should be sought that may reveal an underlying cause or subsequent effects?
944 What potential cause of HT does this angiograph show?
944 What hypertensive changes are seen in this fundus?
950 List the non-pharmacological Rx that should be recommended to a pt with HT.
951 Outline the NICE Guidelines Treatment Steps for HT.
952 Define accelerated/malignant HT & describe the pathology of target organ damage caused by accelerated HT.
953 Mx of malignant/accelerated HT.
What ECG change is seen here that may be due to HT & what criteria may be used to Dx it?