Criado por Caroline Steward
mais de 8 anos atrás
What 6 elements form part of a balanced diet for a horse?
What do these terms describe? Plastic wrapped/preserved/moist grass
Give two examples of a straight feed
Give two examples of compound feeds
What would you assess about your horse before you decide on a ration?
What can we feed as succulents in the diet?
What elements of the horses diet make up the roughage ration?
If you saw a horse/pony showing this behaviour what digestive disorder might it suggest?
How would you find out the weight of your horse?
What should you feed at least a minimum of 50% of in your horses daily ration?
What is the maximum % of concentrate you should feed as part of your horses daily ration?
What does chewing help the horse produce?
What will a balancer provide in the horses diet?