Criado por Pippa Holman
mais de 8 anos atrás
What is GIS?
What are the components of GIS?
What is meant by the computer system and software component of GIS?
What is meant by the spatial data component of GIS?
What is meant by the spatial data management and analysis procedures components of GIS?
What is meant by the people of GIS as a component of it?
What is GIS used for?
What did Burroughs and McDonnell say of their definition of GIS?
What really are GIS and maps?
What is the reality of trying to communication information about reality in addition to location?
What is the medium used to communicate the reality of information in addition to location?
How is data converted into information?
What questions should you ask of data?
What are the three modes/ dimensions of information?
What are the cartographic principles that underpin map making?
What is different about tube network maps?
What is meant by cartographic scale?
What are the different expressions of scale?
What are the equations for calculating and interpreting scale?
What is important to remember with scales on maps?
What is meant by discrete objects and continuous fields?
How are spatial features represented?
What are the generalisation methods (1)?
What are the generalisation methods (2)?
What are the names of the generalisation methods?
What are the issues with some map projections?
What 3 things do map projections distort/ preserve?
What are the 3 basic classes of map projection?
What is meant by Geo- referencing?
What is important for generalisation?
What is the difference between spatial data models and spatial data structures?
What are the increasing levels of abstraction?
What transformation stages are there within GIS?
What are the important questions before creating GIS?
How are features represented in a conceptual model?
What are the key types of spatial data models?
How is data encoded into the computer?
What is meant by spaghetti files in vector data structures?
What is meant by attribute storage in raster and vector GIS?
How do raster and vector data models differ?
What are topological data structures?
What are the key features of a topological data structure?
Why is topology important in GIS?
What are network data models?
What are surface data models?
What are object - orientated data models?
What are the different spatial data analysis operations?
What are queries?
What is measurement as a spatial data analysis operation?
What are the issues with vector length measurement and how can you take vector and raster measurements for area?
What is meant by reclassification as a spatial data analysis operation?
What is meant by buffering as a spatial data analysis operation?
What is meant by map overlay as a spatial data analysis operation?
What is meant by a cartographic model?
What is the difference between simple and complex cases of cartographic modelling?
What are local, focal, global and zonal operations in cartographic modelling?
What is flowcharting?
What are good practices for flowcharting?
What is the example for flowcharting?
How was spatial data collected in the past?
What are the 3 dimensions of spatial data?
How is data captured?
How is data remotely sensed?
How is data collected by remotely sensed with aerial photography?
How are land surveys used as a primary data capture method?
How can GPS be used as a primary data capture method?
What is meant by scanning?
How is secondary information digitised?
How is data converted?
How are databases used as data storage?
What is meant by a 'relational' database?
What is meant by Structured Query Language? (SQL)?
What is an aspatial and spatial query?
What is meant by analogue data/ computer data and geo- referencing?
What is the data stream?
How can GIS be used to make decisions in the real world?
How is GIS used in Geology?
What is meant by a Decision Support System (DSS)?
What are the characteristics of DSS?
How do Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) differ from Decision Support Systems (DSS)?
Who can be clients of GIS?
What is the case study for SDSS on nuclear waste disposal?
What was the flowchart for nuclear waste disposal SDSS?
What are the key aspects of SDSS?
What is the importance of the data input?
What is meant by participatory decision making?
What is the case study for vulnerability mapping in SDSS?
What can participatory methods cause?
What are the strengths of SDSS?
What are the weaknesses of SDSS?
What are the categories of GIS?
What are the levels of operation for GIS?
How is GIS invested in?
What are the direct and indirect benefits to GIS?
What are the direct and indirect costs of GIS?
What does the cost - benefit graph for user groups of GIS look like?
What should be the questions when implementing GIS?
How is a GIS project planned?
Why does error within GIS matter?
Where can error and uncertainty come from in GIS?
What is meant by error?
What does a kappa score do?
Why is GIS prone to error?
How is data acquisition a possible source of data error and what are the examples of this?
How is measurement a possible source of data error and what is the example of this?
How is geographic transformation a possible model source error?
How is geographic regression prediction a possible source of model error?
What is uncertainty?
What is meant by accuracy, precision and bias?
How can bias and precision be mapped?
What are the three types of accuracy in GIS?
Where are there sources of error and uncertainty in GIS?
What are the sources of error within data analysis?
What are the common errors in GIS?
how is what3words a form of geovisulaisaiton?
What are important to include on a traditional map?
What has to be considered in map design?
What practical considerations should there be for map design?
What limitations are there with chloropleth mapping and how is this mitigated?
What is a cartogram?
What is the sensory homunculus?
What types of cartograms are there?
What have been the advancements in human cartography?
How does Newman and Gastners technique work?
How is 3D visualisation, animation and argumented reality being used?
How is 3D geovisualisation being used?
What is the importance of flow mapping?
What is the importance of online maps?
What are schematic maps?