Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 10 minutos para completar as 10 questões deste quiz..
1- Which of the following stain blue with H&E stain?
a. Cytoplasm
b. Collagen fibers
c. Nucleus
d. Elastic fibers
e. Decalcified bone matrix
2- During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what step occurs after the tissue is preserved?
a. Fixation
b. Embedding in paraffin
c. Staining
d. Slicing
e. Dehydration
3- Which of the following would be best suited to visualize lipid?
a. Sudan stain
b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain
c. Silver impregnation
d. Masson's trichrome stain
4- Which of the following is an acid dye?
a. Azure II
b. Toluidine blue
c. Methylene blue
d. Eosin
e. Thionine
5- Which of the following stains is used for routine histological examination?
a. Wright's stain
c. Sudan stain
d. Silver impregnation
e. Masson's trichrome stain
6- Fixation of the tissues in the paraffin technique is made by :-
a) Parafin
b) xylol
c) Formalin
d) Alcohol
7- the freezing technique is characterized by all the following EXCEPT:-
a) it takes a long time
b) it can be used for rapid diagnosis
c) it gives thick sections
d) it can be used in histochemistery
8- supravital staining is staining of :-
a) non living cell inside the body
b) living cell inside the body
c) living cell outside the body
d) non living cell outside the body
9- the role of the condenser lens is :-
a) control the aperture of light
b) increase the magnification
c) focus the light on specimen
d) provide light
10- the resolving power of light microscope is ...........
a) 2 mm
b) 0.2 mm
c) 2 μm
d) 0.2 μm