Criado por Pip Fraggle
mais de 8 anos atrás
short gram positive pleomorphic rods with a diptherioid appearance.
small, motile gram positive rod that shows Beta hemolysis on blood agar, tests positive for catalase ad bile esculin and shows a box-like CAMP reaction
gram positive, spore-forming, non motile rod that tests positive for catalase and aerobic growth. Growth on a blood agar shows a "medusa head" like growth with no hemolysis
gram positive, motile, spore forming rod that is catalase negative. Shows growth in an aerobic setting and usually shows symptoms of food poisoning
gram negative coccobacilli, tests positive for catalase, oxidase and urease. shows growth on BAP or Chocolate agar after 48 hours
Cause of undulate fever
gram negative, pleomorphic negative coccobacilli that tests positive for oxidase and indole. Shows growth on BAP and Chocolate agar with increased CO2
motile gram negative bacilli that shows growth on BCYE media. Often seen with cases of pneumonia
tiny gram negative bacilli that test positive for catalase and B.L. but negative for oxidase. shows growth on Modified Thayer Martin Medium
Which two organisms required a Biohazard Level 3 laboratory?
pleomorphic gram negative coccobacillithat required X and V factors to grow. growth can be seen in sattelitism phenomenon.
tiny curved gram negative rods with the appaerance of seagull wings. shows growth on campylobacter medium
gram negative bacilli that test positive for oxidase, pyocayanin, and pyoverdin. Shows beta hemolysis on blood agar and MacConkey agar differentiates it as a non-Lactose fermenter.
gram negative, non motile bacilli that test negative for oxidase. growth on MacConkey agar shows bluish or pinkish tint and growth on Blood agar is gummy, grey to white translucent colonies. will show resistance to penicillin
gram negative, non lactose fermenting rods that are oxidase negative, ONPG positive, DNase positive. growth on tripticase soy agar shows yellow/tan pigment and growth on SBA shows lavender/green pigment
Motile gram negative rod that produces Hydrogen sulfide, tests positive for PDA and is a fast positive for Urea. It shows no lactose fementation on MacConkey agar and swarming pattern on BAP
Small, bipolar staining cocobacilli. Displays non-fermentative, pinpoint growth on MacConkey agar. It tests positive for catalase, negative for oxidase and a TSI of A/A (yellow over orange)
Gram negative rods that test positive for Methyl-red and Citrate and test negative for Indole and Vokes-Proskauer. It also tests positive for ONPG. It can show either fermentative or non fermentatvie growth on MacConkey agar and produces Hydrogen sulfide
Motile, Gram negative rod that shows negative lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar. IT does not produce hydrogen sulfide and is positive for PDA and negative for citrate
Motile, Gram negative rod that shows negative lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar. IT does not produce hydrogen sulfide and is positive for PDA and positive for citrate
A non motile gram negative rod that tests negative for Indole and Methyl red and positive for Voges Proskauer and Citrate. It produces gas in TSI. It shows lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar and a mucoid colonial growth.
A motile gram negative rod that tests negative for indole and methyl-red and positive for Vokes-Proskauer and Citrate. It shows slow lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar and tests positive for ODC
A gram negative rod that is DNase positive
Motile gram negative rod that does not show fermentation on MacConkey agar. It produces Hydrogen sulfide and tests as K/A on a TSI. It will show green growth on Hektoen agar with black centers
Gram negative, non motile rod. Does not show fermentation on MacConkey agar and shows green colonies on Hektoen Agar. It does not produce Hydrogen Sulfide.
Motile, gram negative rod. Tests positive for Indole and Methyl-red and negative for Vokes-Proskauer and Citrate, and Urea. Will show lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar, metallic green colonies on EMB agar.
gram negative dipplococci. Tests positive for cytochrome oxidase and produces acid only from glucose
gram negative dipplococci. Tests positive for cytochrome oxidase and produces acid only from glucose and maltose
gram negative dipplococci. Tests positive for cytochrome oxidase and produces acid from glucose, maltose and lactose
gram negative dipplococci. Growth on agar is opaque, smooth and grey. Tests positive for cytochrome oxidase and does not produce acid from any sugar