Petite Piplup
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

BSc PS414 Cognitive Psychology I (Light and its Reception) Quiz sobre The Eye, criado por Petite Piplup em 26-03-2014.

Petite Piplup
Criado por Petite Piplup mais de 10 anos atrás

The Eye

Questão 1 de 19


What is the sclera?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The white part

  • The coloured part

  • The black part

  • The covering


Questão 2 de 19


(a) What is the iris? and (b) What does it do?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) The coloured bit, (b) Controls amount of light entering eye

  • (a) The coloured bit, (b) Point at which light enters the eye

  • (a) The black bit, (b) Controls amount of light entering eye

  • (a) The black bit, (b) Point at which light enters the eye


Questão 3 de 19


(a) What is the pupil, and (b) What does it do?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) The black bit, (b) Lets light enter the eye

  • (a) The black bit, (b) Controls amount of light entering the eye

  • (a) The coloured bit, (b) Lets light enter the eye

  • (a) The coloured bit, (b) Controls amount of light entering the eye


Questão 4 de 19


The eye needs to create an image on what?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The retina

  • The fovea

  • The optic nerve

  • The primary visual cortex


Questão 5 de 19


Which two sections of the eye act to focus light onto the retina?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Corenea and lens

  • Cornea and pupil

  • Lens and iris

  • Pupil and iris


Questão 6 de 19


Photoreceptors on the retina pick up information about the image which is taken where?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Down the optic nerve to the brain

  • Through the ganglion cells to the bipolar cells

  • Down the optic nerve to the bipolar cells

  • Through the ganglion cells to the horizontal cells


Questão 7 de 19


Rays of light need to be just focused on the retina. When they are just in front, this is called (a) and (b) lens is needed.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) Myopia (nearsightedness), (b) Concave

  • (a) Myopia (nearsightedness), (b) Convex

  • (a) Hyperopia (farsightedness), (b) Concave

  • (a) Hyperopia (farsightedness), (b) Convex


Questão 8 de 19


Rays of light need to be just focused on the retina. When they are just behind, this is called (a) and (b) lens is needed.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) Hyperopia (farsightedness), (b) Convex

  • (a) Hyperopia (farsightedness), (b) Concave

  • (a) Myopia (nearsightedness), (b) Convex

  • Myopia (nearsightedness), (b) Concave


Questão 9 de 19


What are the photoreceptors that respond to light?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Rods and cones

  • Rods and bipolar cells

  • Cones and ganglion cells

  • Bipolar cells and ganglion cells


Questão 10 de 19


What is the function of bipolar cells?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Transfer information from the photoreceptors to the ganglion cells

  • Act as a photoreceptor

  • Transfer information to the brain

  • Allow ganglion cells to communicate with one another


Questão 11 de 19


What is the function of horizontal cells?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Allows adjacent retina cells to communicate

  • Acts as a photoreceptor

  • Transfers information from photoreceptors to ganglion cells

  • Transfers information to the brain


Questão 12 de 19


What is the function of ganglion cells?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Transfer information to the brain

  • Transfer information from photoreceptors to bipolar cells

  • Enable adjacent retinal cells to communicate

  • Act as photoreceptors


Questão 13 de 19


What are the three types of cones?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (1) S-cones, long wavelengths, blueish
    (2) M-cones, medium wavelengths, greenish
    (3) L-cones, short wavelengths, redish

  • (1) S-cones, short wavelengths, blueish
    (2) M-cones, medium wavelengths, greenish
    (3) L-cones, long wavelengths, redish

  • (1) S-cones, long wavelengths, greenish
    (2) M-cones, medium wavelengths, redish
    (3) L-cones, short wavelengths, blueish

  • (1)L-cones, long wavelengths, blueish
    (2) S-cones, medium wavelengths, greenish
    (3) M-cones, short wavelengths, redish


Questão 14 de 19


The fovea (retinal center) only has (a) and is specialised for (b)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) Cones, (b) high acuity colour vision

  • (a) Rods, (b) high acuity colour vision

  • (a) Cones, (b) high acuity monochrome vision

  • (a) Rods, (b) high acuity monochrome vision


Questão 15 de 19


Outline the blindspot

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Has no photoreceptors, we tend to be unaware of this

  • Has a dense population of photoreceptors, we tend to be unaware of this

  • Has no photoreceptors, we tend to be aware of this

  • Has a dense population of photoreceptors, we tend to be aware of this


Questão 16 de 19


Rods are only used at (a), this is called (b)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) low light levels, (b) scotopic vison

  • (a) low light levels, (b) photopic vision

  • (a) high light levels, (b) scotopic vision

  • (a) high light levels, (b) photopic vision


Questão 17 de 19


Cones are most sensitive at (a) light levels, this is called (b)

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) high, (b) photopic vision

  • (a) high, (b) scotopic vision

  • (a) low, (b) photopic

  • (a) low, (b) scotopic


Questão 18 de 19


At dim light levels perception lacks what?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • colour and detail

  • colour and texture

  • depth and detail

  • depth and texture


Questão 19 de 19


Total dark adaptation takes (a) and is first controlled by cones for (b) before being taken over by rods

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • (a) 30 minutes, (b) 5-10 minutes

  • (a) 60 minutes, (b) 5-10 minutes

  • (a) 30 minutes, (b) 1-2 minutes

  • (a) 60 minutes, (b) 1-2 minutes
