Criado por Ahmed Almohammed
aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
In what form does the energy from the sun reach the earth as?
What does the laws of thermodynamics describe and what does "thermo" and "dynamic" mean?
What are the laws of thermodynamics?
Why do the brake disks of racing cars become red hot?
What happens to the energy when it is transformed from kinetic into heat energy in the break pads and disks of a racing car?
What form of radiation do plants use to carry out photosynthesis?
How does a fridge moves heat energy from inside to outside the fridge?
Why do the coils at the back of a fridge get really hot?
Why is it that more heat is released to the outside of the fridge than is removed from the inside?
What is the definition of temperature relating to the third law?
What is the absolute zero?
Why is it that energy transformations are never 100% efficient?
How do we calculate the energy efficiency of any process?
How do the laws of thermodynamics show that we will never be able to produce 100% energy efficient processes?
What is the average excrete of a person?
What is the producer?
What is the consumer?
How does your weight remain constant?
what happens when a solid is cooled further?
What happens when you go from gas to solid to liquid?