Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 5 minutos para completar as 10 questões deste quiz..
Regarding the middle layer of Lip choose the correct answer :
Mucsles are embded in loose C.t
Muscles are undirection
obrbicularis ocli is main muscle of lip
All are incorrect
Choose the correct answer
sulcus limitans divide the tounge into 2/3 plataine portion and 1/3 pharyngeal portion
libal gland present in corium of the tounge
sk ms of tounge is involuntary supplied by hypoglossal nerve
in the dosal surface of tounge there is little projections of mucous membrane
The only lingual papillae which can't aid taste sensation is :
trenches sorround which of the following pabillea
all are correct
principle site of taste sensation is
() the noduls of lingual tonsil presnet the following cell
plasma cell
reticular cell
all are incorrect
mucous gland is presnent along the whole tounge
The following structurs helps in diagnosis of herpis
lingual tonsil
lingual gland
libial red margin
lingual papillae
Mucous membrane of the dorsum of tounge
has adipose tissue contain bl.vessel .nerves .lyphatics
has vili-apperance
stratified squmous non kertanized
at sulcus terminlis present which of the following