Matthew Bough
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Health and Social Care Quiz sobre Quiz, criado por Matthew Bough em 08-11-2016.

Matthew Bough
Criado por Matthew Bough quase 8 anos atrás


Questão 1 de 120


A health system has been defined by WHO as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Hospitals and clinics

  • First contact care of the sick

  • All organisations, people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health

  • Health policy implementation


Questão 2 de 120


Australia's health care system is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A mixed system, with elements of both welfare and market models

  • A welfare state system

  • A market model

  • Based on the US health system


Questão 3 de 120


What were the man findings of marmot's Whitehall studies?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • There are marked inequalities in health outcomes depending on where the person is situated in social hierarchies which is consistent with the social gradient

  • Health interventions should take a whole life approach and be holistic in nature

  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing

  • Social hierarchies do not impact on health outcomes and wellbeing


Questão 4 de 120


Key goals for health systems do not include

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Responsiveness

  • Social and financial risk protection

  • Rationalisation

  • Improved health


Questão 5 de 120


Universal health coverage means

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Comprehensive provision of primary health care services to a defined population

  • Public health services are provided free to the population

  • Universal access to a specified package of health benefits and social protection

  • Inclusion of all medical services and products in an insurance scheme


Questão 6 de 120


In tuohy's theory of health care system change, tuohy suggests that serious health reform only occurs at particular moments in time when all of the necessary factors are in place for the group with the balance of power. The institutions of power are

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The state, the market and the professions

  • The state government, territory government, and local government

  • The state, private health insurers and Medicare

  • Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals


Questão 7 de 120


The building blocks of health systems do not include

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Political will

  • Leadership and governance

  • Health workforce

  • Financing


Questão 8 de 120


Which of the following statements best describes medical dominance?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A situations where other allied health professionals do not have autonomy of their practice or accreditation procedures unlike those in medicines

  • A situation where the profession of medicine has limited power over health care

  • A situation where the profession of medicine has the majority of the power over health care decisions, including over the work of other health professionals

  • A situation where allied health professionals and alternative medicine therapies are able to assert their perspective


Questão 9 de 120


Which is not true about Australia's population?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Our birth rate is less then the replacement rate of 2:1

  • People over 65 years comprise about 14% of the population but in the indigenous population the figure is 3.4%

  • About half of the indigenous population is aged 22 or under compared to 38 years for the non-indigenous population

  • The proportion of people 25 and under is projected to continue to grow up to 2042


Questão 10 de 120


Health care systems are continually evolving complex systems and how we think about their goals is vital for influencing our views on how we think they should develop. Dr Alex Hadad or Toronto re-conceptualised the meaning of the goal of 'health' as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The physical, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the individual

  • The ability to self-manage in the face of physical, mental and social challenges

  • The wellbeing of the whole community to support more people into employment

  • The absence of disease whether infectious or chronic and the ability to function independently


Questão 11 de 120


Social and financial risk protection means

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Third party partners bear the financial risks on behalf of the community

  • Financial risk is distributed according to ability to pay rather then illness

  • Taking out health insurances so people don't have to pay the full cost of health services

  • Income support is provided to people on low incomes


Questão 12 de 120


When was Medicare introduced

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1988

  • 1984

  • 1901

  • 1990


Questão 13 de 120


Which statement best describes the WHO definition of universal health coverage

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • UHC means that all people can access health care services that do not expose the user to financial hardship

  • UHC means that all people can use health services of sufficient quality for a fee

  • UHC ensures that some people within a population can use health care services that do not expose the user to financial hardship

  • UHC means that all people can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial


Questão 14 de 120


When referring to the Australian system of government, bicameral means

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a legislative body with two branches, chamber or houses

  • citizens elect the government and the government is accountable to the citizens

  • a legislative body with one branch, chamber or house

  • setting out the power, rights and responsibilities of government and people


Questão 15 de 120


Identify the three components of the Medicare system

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • tele health, ambulance services and cosmetic surgery

  • primary health care services, private health care services and pharmaceutical

  • public hospital services, medical, pharmaceutical

  • bulkbilling, the Medicare levy, and private hospital services


Questão 16 de 120


Which of the following statements best describes equity in the health care system?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • promoting tolerance, freedom and equality for all people regardless of race, sex, orientation and ethnicity in relation to health

  • equity refers to a state of affairs in which all people within a specific society have the same rights, opportunities, economic equality and other social securities and access to health services

  • equity is absence of avoidable or remediable differences among groups of people whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically, or geographically and is related to health determinants

  • equity and equality are interchangeable terms


Questão 17 de 120


Safety net provisions refer to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • government programs and policies that protect against or reduce social and financial risks

  • horizontal fiscal imbalances

  • serious risks from low quality goods/services or from unsafe use

  • the restricted availability of goods or services


Questão 18 de 120


.....what aspects of her care are not covered by Medicare

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • public hospital surgical care, theatre fees and hospital accommodation

  • emergency department care

  • in-hospital physiotherapy

  • ambulance service to hospital


Questão 19 de 120


.... which of the following is not technical efficiency as he defined it

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Improving federal/state cooperation through the council of Australian governments

  • Addressing the social conditions that underpin poor health to prevent ill health

  • The most accurate method of delivering treatment to restore an individuals functioning

  • Prioritising those most in need, such as those with chronic disease, to reduce health care costs into the future


Questão 20 de 120


Vertical fiscal imbalance means

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The commonwealth government raises revenues in excess of its spendings responsibilities, while state governments have insufficient revenue from their own sources to finance spendings responsibilities

  • Re-categorising activities for the purpose of making the other party or public pay

  • The state government raise revenues in excess of their spending responsibilities while the commonwealth government has insufficient revenue from its own sources to finance spending responsibilities

  • Not admitting patients to day surgery


Questão 21 de 120


Policy is defined as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A set of unifying beliefs

  • Funding of health services and programs

  • Health in all policies

  • Long-term, continuously used standing decision by which more specific proposals are judged for acceptability


Questão 22 de 120


What is the policy development process order?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Formulation, identification, implementation, evaluation

  • Evaluation, identification, formulation, implementation

  • Evaluations, formulation, identification, implementation

  • Identification, formulation, implementation, evaluation


Questão 23 de 120


Which of the following principles of engagement with first peoples as identified by Hunt refers to building and sustaining relationships, building trust and acting with integrity

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Power and decision making

  • Responsibility and accountability

  • Capacity development

  • The practice of engagement


Questão 24 de 120


Evidence can be defined as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Determining the value of policies

  • The making of a judgement about the amount, number or value or something

  • The objective assessment of a policy

  • Replicable, reliable and reproducible knowledge


Questão 25 de 120


The Australian human rights commission defines self-determination as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Being able to set goals and achieve them productively

  • The loss of a right to live in a certain way

  • An ongoing process of choice which ensures that indigenous communities are able to seek basic health care

  • An ongoing process of choice which ensures that indigenous communities are able to meet their social, cultural and economical needs


Questão 26 de 120


The rising costs of health diagnosis and treatment services in Australian means that health policy continues to be a hot topic of debate. Which of the following did Gray (.05) argue would help keep costs down according to international evidence?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Shift costs to consumers by introducing user charges as their behaviour will be better guided by choice of provider in the health service delivery market

  • Review access to UHC as the main reason is that Australia's population is aging

  • Shift the focus to evidence based evaluation of treatment and technologies

  • Maintain our multi-payer system under which the government allocates funding to a balance of private and public service provisions


Questão 27 de 120


Which of the following statements is false?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Stakeholders can have a huge influence on policy

  • Stakeholders always have the publics best interest at the forefront

  • Key interest groups often meet with politicians

  • Stakeholders can represent many different interests


Questão 28 de 120


Identify below a mechanism of the Victorian aboriginal affairs framework

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Engagement and consultation in all stages of decision making processes

  • Local indigenous networks (LINS)

  • Indigenous peoples working group (IPWG)

  • Committee for indigenous peoples (CIP)


Questão 29 de 120


What is not a competing interest at play in debates around health policy in relation to how we can optimise our population goals

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The professional interest in maximising incomes through professional representative bodies and associations

  • The high technology sector's interest to make a profit

  • The citizen's interest to access effective services to meet their basic health needs

  • The national interest in the potential to grow the economy and jobs as health is the largest industry in Australia


Questão 30 de 120


Which is considered the best descriptor of scientific evidence for the review of medical intervention outcomes?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Strong evidence from at least one published properly designed randomised controlled that of appropriate size and in an appropriate clinical setting

  • Strong evidence from at least one published, systematic, review of multiple well designed randomised controlled trials

  • Evidence from well-designed non experimental studies from more than one centre or research group

  • Evidence from published well designed trials without randomisation, single group pre-post cohort, time series or math case-controlled studies


Questão 31 de 120


Which statement is true of publicly funded health systems ?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Health services are funded to maximise health outcomes across the worst areas of society

  • People have access to services without having to pay for them

  • They are relatively cheap to run

  • All people pay the same tax


Questão 32 de 120


Health expenditure occurs where

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Money is spent on health goods and services by governments, individuals and non-government sources

  • Money is spent by consumers on goods and services

  • Money is spent solely by governments on health goods and services

  • Money is spent solely by non-government sources such as private health insurers


Questão 33 de 120


In 2010 the OECD argued that life expectancy could be increased across OECD countries by 2 years if they all

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Enhanced PBS access to generic new drugs for older people

  • Funded more of the proven new diagnostic and treatment technologies

  • Adjusted their policies to focus on health system efficiency

  • Allocated more health system funding for staffing in their national health budget


Questão 34 de 120


Which of the following statements is true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The Medicare levy providers approximately 50% of the revenue needed to fund health spending

  • The Medicare levy provides less than 20% of the revenue needed to fund health spending

  • The Medicare levy provides all the financing necessary to fund health spending

  • The Medicare levy provides approximately 5% of the revenue needed to fund health spending


Questão 35 de 120


Which of the three following diseases attracted the most expenditure

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Oral health, mental disorders and diabetes

  • Cardiovascular disease, oral health and mental disorders

  • Mental disorders, asthma and diabetes

  • Cardiovascular disease, cancer and oral health


Questão 36 de 120


Which is not true

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • State government spends more than federal government on hospital services

  • The AIHW classifies health aids under 'other recurrent" expenditure

  • The federal government spends more than the states on capital expenditure in the health budget

  • The majority of private health insurance expenditure is spent on hospital care


Questão 37 de 120


Which of the following is not an advantage for cases payments where set fees are paid per average cases seen by category

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Encourages short length of stay

  • Encourages seeing more cases

  • Encourages most cost effective treatment by case

  • Encourages early discharge of patients


Questão 38 de 120


Which of the following statements best describes an important factor in determining health expenditure

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cost effectiveness

  • Its efficiency which is influenced by policy

  • Evidence based practice

  • The priorities of the government


Questão 39 de 120


Which of the following statements about health expenditure is not true

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Health expenditure has been growing at a higher rate in recent years than our economy

  • The ratio of health expenditure to GDP has been growing in recent years

  • The value of all health goods and services produced has grown from 6.8% in 1986 to 9.5% in 2011-12

  • Health expenditure as a proportion of gross domestic product in Australia is significantly higher then the average of other OECD countries


Questão 40 de 120


Between 2011-12, Australia's health expenditure on primary health care services totalled $50.6 billion. Primary health care services include but are not limited to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Front line health services delivered in the community such as hospitals, emergency and ambulance

  • Frontline health services delivered in the community such as General practitioner services, dental services and all community and public health initiatives

  • Community based health services such as those delivered by non-government organisations (NGO's) such as the salvation army

  • Medical research such as research projects funded by the national health and medical research council


Questão 41 de 120


Which of the following is not a factor contributing to demand on the ambulance services of Australia?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • An ageing population

  • Emergency department patient numbers

  • An increase in general practitioner services and clinical hours

  • Lack of alternative services


Questão 42 de 120


Burden of disease is measured by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The overall cost by disease group

  • Disability adjusted life years

  • The number of people who die from a disease

  • The number of people with the disease


Questão 43 de 120


Which of the following statements is truest about the overall burden of disease due to premature death and health loss in Australasia?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • In 2010, cardiovascular disease replaced cancer as the largest contributor to the burden of disease compared to statistics from 1990

  • In 2010, diabetes did not contribute to overall burden of disease

  • In 2010, tobacco related conditions contributed more significantly to the burden of disease compared to statistics from 1990

  • In 2010, unintentional injuries replaced transport injuries as the largest contributor to injuries compared to statistics from 1990


Questão 44 de 120


A patient is assessed by the triage nurse in a public emergency department. The nurse categorises the case as being category 3 and to be assesses and treated within XX minutes. This is indicative of a _____ medical condition

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Potentially life-threatening

  • Immediately life threatening

  • Potentially serious

  • Immediately life threatening ,


Questão 45 de 120


Which of the following statements is true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Preventing, managing and treating chronic disease needs to be a government priority for those in low socioeconomic geographic areas in Australia only

  • The UN has called for a 25% reduction by 2025 in mortality from chronic disease among people aged between 30 - 70 years old in developing countries only

  • Many chronic diseases in Australia arise from similar identifying causes and share a number of prevention and treatment strategies

  • There is strong evidence that the pandemic of communicable diseases in Australia is really the major health challenge for Australia


Questão 46 de 120


what were the biggest risk factors contributing to burden of disease in Australasia in 2010?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Smoking, cancer and sedentary lifestyle

  • Smoking, diatary risks and injury

  • Smoking, high body mass and illicit drug use

  • Smoking, dietary risks and high body mass index


Questão 47 de 120


What are the three core elements of the inter-professional capability framework

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Communication team function, role clarification

  • Client centred service, reflection, conflict resolution

  • Client safety and quality, communication, collaborative practice

  • Client safety and quality, client centred service, collaborative practice


Questão 48 de 120


Chronic disease os often discussed in four major disease groups. Identify these groups

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tobacco related conditions and obesity

  • Asthma, cancer, eating disorders and oral conditions

  • Obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Cardiovascular disease, cancers, chronic pulmonary disease and diabetes


Questão 49 de 120


Risk factors that increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes include obesity, impaired fasting blood glucose, raised blood pressure and raised blood triglycerides. This group of risk factors is known collectively as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Metabolic disease

  • Metabolism syndrome

  • Metabolic rate


Questão 50 de 120


Paramedicine is currently not a registrable profession with the Australian Health Professional Regulation Agency. Which of the following is not a benefit of registration for paramedics

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Better pay

  • Consumer protection

  • Protection of the title paramedic

  • On-going education requirements


Questão 51 de 120


Capacity in an aged population is described as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The need to not make unwise decisions

  • Understanding and making specific decisions

  • Something that remains constant over time

  • How much income an older person has accumulated


Questão 52 de 120


Which of the following is not a screening tool used for the assessment and diagnosis if dementia

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • General practitioner assessment of cognition

  • Rowland universal dementia assessment scale

  • 8-minute screen

  • min-mental state examinations


Questão 53 de 120


.... which of the following answers best represents factors which may increase the risk of dementia

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes and smoking

  • Excessive alcohol consumption and isolation

  • Poly pharmacy, smoking and geographical location

  • Poly pharmacy and unemployment


Questão 54 de 120


What are some of the potential risk factors associated with incontinence

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Being older, previous pregnancy and smoking

  • Being female, being older and cognitive impairment

  • Being female, being older and smoking

  • being female, previous pregnancy and excessive alcohol consumption


Questão 55 de 120


Death is an integral part of life. Which of the following options is not true? Palliative care:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Should not be commenced until the final stages of illness

  • Can be provided in community settings including a persons own home

  • Aims to improve quality of life of patients with an active, progressive disease that has little or no prospect of cure

  • Can be provided by neonatal and paediatric services


Questão 56 de 120


Which of the following is true about consumer directed care (CDC)?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • It is in reality only possible in community settings such as through HACC

  • It is something current policy makers are trying to shift the whole health system away from towards person-centred care

  • It is generally not possible in hospital or residential settings

  • It applies to all aged care packages in both residential aged care is HACC


Questão 57 de 120


In older people there is an association between QOL, self reported health and actual health. Which is not a relevant factor here?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Social capital

  • Ageing in place

  • Neo liberalism

  • Social inclusion


Questão 58 de 120


The cost of going into an aged care facility could be

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Up to $1 million

  • Free

  • $50,000

  • Approximately $100,000


Questão 59 de 120


'My aged care' was described as a

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Coordinated entry point to access aged care services and information

  • Residential aged care facility

  • Medical training program

  • Government report


Questão 60 de 120


Australian women have a life expectancy ranked

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • In the top 2

  • Outside the top 10

  • In the 90th percentile

  • In the top 5


Questão 61 de 120


The global trend towards community care in the past 50 years has been derived by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A concern about the human rights of people with mental illness

  • The lack of infrastructure

  • The desire of private organisations to enter into the mental illness market

  • Concern about financial expenditure


Questão 62 de 120


Which of the following statements about informal carers is not correct?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Adoption of a carer role has been associated with poorer mental and physical health

  • Informal carers are primarily women

  • They have full control of their person they are caring for

  • They provide a major source of care


Questão 63 de 120


The notion of capacity in relation to mental health is explained as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Protection the rights of the mentally ill

  • To make decisions regarding one's own health care and whether involuntary care is needed

  • Finding a satisfying way of living with illness

  • Undertaking assessments in community settings


Questão 64 de 120


The UN convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is based on

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A physical model of disability that shifts focus from barriers to full access to premises

  • A social model of disability that shifts focus from barriers to full participation for people with disabilities

  • Discrimination on the basis of disability

  • Limiting the freedom of people with mental health problems


Questão 65 de 120


....Which of the following was not one of the 3 components of the NSMHW?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 1998 survey of children and adolescents

  • 2010 survey of people living with psychotic illnesses

  • 1999 school based survey of mental health

  • 1997 school based survey of the adult population


Questão 66 de 120


What age group suffered the highest prevalence of common mental disorders in the Australian population in 2007?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 35-44

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 45-54


Questão 67 de 120


What percentage of people receiving a disability support pension in Australia are experiencing psychological or psychiatric conditions?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 60%

  • 31%

  • 20%

  • 42%


Questão 68 de 120


Which of the following are new programs established by the federal, state and territory governments to address mental health?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Online therapy services for depression and anxiety, youth mental health services and state based step up/step down facilities

  • Community mental health services, online therapy services for depression and anxiety and helplines

  • Adult inpatient services, youth mental health services and state based step/step down facilities

  • Personal mentors and helper services (PHAMS) and online therapy services for depression and anxiety


Questão 69 de 120


The recovery framework in mental health services

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Recognises that people can aim for full recovery from their mental illness

  • Recognises that delivery of mental health services in mainstream health settings is less stigmatising

  • Recognises that mental illness is best approached under the medical model or care

  • Recognises that people can live a contributing life with their mental illness


Questão 70 de 120


There has been a move to reduce the role of police in emergency situations and increase the role of paramedics. Which is not among the primary reasons for this?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To align care responses within a recovery framework

  • To recognise that mental health issues, need to be dealt with within a health framework

  • To help shift stigmatisation of people with mental illness

  • To free up police time for other community order issues


Questão 71 de 120


Which statement below is not included in self determination

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Families ability to do what they believe is right

  • Authority to control resources and obtain needed services

  • Ability and opportunity to make choices and decisions

  • Opportunities to participate in and contribute to one's community


Questão 72 de 120


Concepts such as consumer self determination, person centred approaches to service delivery and consumer contribution to the planning of services has been part of disability research and practice

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • For over 25 years

  • Since the introduction of the NDIS

  • Since the beginning of disability services

  • For only the past few years


Questão 73 de 120


Which of the following is not one of the four guiding principles of the NDIS?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • State government leadership in funding

  • Actuarial estimates to ensure the scheme is financially viable in the long term

  • Long term view of funding requirements

  • Investment in research, innovation and outcome analysis


Questão 74 de 120


Which of the following professions would not be an allied health profession supporting individuals with a disability?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Developmental educator

  • Occupational therapist

  • Speech therapist

  • Psychiatrist


Questão 75 de 120


The NDIS aims to provide

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Better access for people living with disability to a mixture of specialist and mainstream services

  • Better access for people living with disability to health services

  • Better access for people living with disability to mainstream support services

  • Better access for people living with disability to specialist disability services only


Questão 76 de 120


In communicating with people living with disability which of the following is not most important for health professionals as measures of respect

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Support them to participate in economic and social life

  • Support them to achieve a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing

  • To maximise their control over their life

  • Support them in exercising choice in the pursuit of their own goals


Questão 77 de 120


Alongside smoking what are the factors for chronic respiratory conditions

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Environmental factors such as exposure to viral infections and air pollutants and genetic factors such as cystic fibrosis

  • Passive smoking and exposure to air pollutants through the workplace

  • Environmental factors such as passive smoking and genetic factors such as cystic fibrosis

  • Genetic factors such as cystic fibrosis


Questão 78 de 120


People with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions are predominantly managed in

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Residential rehabilitation by allied health professionals

  • Aged care facilities

  • Acute inpatient settings

  • Primary health care settings by a range of health professionals


Questão 79 de 120


Approaches that put the individual at the centre of decision making processes and both take and create opportunities to inform and empower individuals to be actively involved in the management of their health are referred to as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Personalised approaches

  • Person centred approaches

  • Central approaches

  • Person - aligned approaches


Questão 80 de 120


Which of the following contributed to the greatest number of injury related hospitalisations between 1999 and 2011?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Poisoning and pharmaceuticals

  • Intentional self harm

  • Falls

  • Transport injuries


Questão 81 de 120


The youth support advocacy services (YSAS) refers to empowerment as ?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Teaching young people to make decisions

  • Teaching young people to say no to drugs

  • Giving power to young people

  • Young people have to empower others to help them


Questão 82 de 120


The YSAS needs identification survey of their clients, approximately had

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Only school problems/issues

  • No psychosocial issues/disadvantages

  • More then 6 psychosocial issues/disadvantages

  • Only family problems/issues


Questão 83 de 120


What are two important behavioural factors in maintaining desirable cholesterol levels?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Sufficient physical activity and a diet low in saturated fat

  • Smoking cessation and a diet low in saturated fat

  • Abstinent from alcohol and illicit drugs

  • Smoking cessation and sufficient physical activity


Questão 84 de 120


Total number of drug related hospitalisation gradually increased from about 81,000 on 03/04 to 108,000 on 11/12. This was largely due to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Respiratory conditions

  • Injuries

  • Alcohol

  • Illicit drugs


Questão 85 de 120


Using illicit drugs is a risky behaviour. The term illicit drug can encompass a number of broad concept which includes

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a misuse of illegal drugs

  • Illegal drugs, misuse of pharmaceuticals and other psychoactive substance

  • Using drugs which are illegal only

  • Misuse of alcohol and tobacco


Questão 86 de 120


Age standardised death rates per 1,000 populations are highest in

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Very remote areas

  • Major cities

  • Remote areas

  • Inner regional areas


Questão 87 de 120


If it occurs early enough, successfully quitting smoking can result in an increased life expectancy of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Quitting smoking makes no difference to life expectancy

  • Less than one year

  • Up to 10 years

  • Approximately 25 years


Questão 88 de 120


Which of the following statements is false?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Most prison entrants were smokers before entering prison

  • Indigenous people about to be released from prison are least likely to report more positive changes to their physical and mental health while in prison

  • Indigenous people are significantly over represented in the prison system

  • Most prison entrants had used illicit drugs in the year before entering prison


Questão 89 de 120


Which of the following is not true of the ABS Australian health survey findings as reported by AIHW Australia's Health 2014?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Sufficient physical activity was more common in areas with the highest SES than areas with the lowest SES

  • Being overweight and obese were much more common in areas with the highest SES than areas with the lowest SES

  • The daily smoking rate was much higher in areas with lower SES than in areas with the highest SES

  • Drinking alcohol at levels that placed them at risk of an alcohol related injury from a single drinking occasion was lower in low SES areas that in high SES areas


Questão 90 de 120


Which of the following is true

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • People living in rural and remote areas are less likely to have high blood cholesterol

  • High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke

  • Australians in regional and remote areas tend to have longer lives than people in major cities

  • Impaired fasting glucose is not a risk factor for the future development of cardiovascular disease


Questão 91 de 120


Which of the following is not a key factor of the primary health care model

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Accessible

  • Adaptable

  • Appropriate

  • Affordable


Questão 92 de 120


Which of the following is one of the key objectives for the primary health networks?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Identify local health care services and develop locally focused and responsive services

  • Improve the coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place and the right time

  • Improving the patient journey through developing integrated and coordinated services

  • Provide support to clinicians and service providers


Questão 93 de 120


Which of the following services is not considered to be an aspect of primary health care

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The royal flying doctor service

  • Assessment, treatment and transport to hospital by Ambulance Victoria

  • Sports injury assessment and treatment in an emergency department

  • The cancer council Australia "no tan is worth dying for' campaign


Questão 94 de 120


With the use of vaccines, it is sometimes possible to achieve disease eradication, while for other vaccines the aim is to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Limit disease in only those that choose to be vaccinate

  • Protect those that choose not to be vaccinated

  • Protect the largest proportion of the population as possible

  • Limit severe disease in the most vulnerable populations


Questão 95 de 120


Which of the following is not one of the key objectives of the primary health care access program of the NT

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To empower individuals and communities to assume great responsibility for their personal health and wellbeing

  • To increase the availability of appropriate primary health care services

  • To provide comprehensive and selective health care to all individuals to improve the overall health of the whole community

  • To create local health systems that are better equipped to meet the needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities


Questão 96 de 120


Poor childhood oral health is a strong predictor of

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Language barriers

  • Poor adult oral health

  • Low socioeconomic status

  • Poor health literacy


Questão 97 de 120


The second most commonly notified vaccine preventable disease after influenza is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Whooping cough

  • Measles

  • Tuberculosis

  • Diphtheria


Questão 98 de 120


The declaration of alma ata .... primary premise is that

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • People living with disability have the same right as other people to participate in all aspects of social and economic life

  • General practitioners should be the first point of contact for everyone for their health issues

  • Indigenous people worldwide have the right of self-determination

  • The attainment of the highest possible level of health is only achievable with action in environmental, social and economic sectors


Questão 99 de 120


Which services would generally not be provided in a selective primary health care model

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Screening

  • Immunisation

  • Management of chronic disease

  • Community development


Questão 100 de 120


The main aim of selective health care is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • To acknowledge that primary health care is inevitably political

  • To acknowledge local community priorities

  • Reduction/elimination of specific disease

  • Improvement in the overall health of the community and individuals


Questão 101 de 120


The overall health of indigenous Australians is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Better than other Australians

  • About the same as other Australians

  • Less relevant to community health because they have their own cultural practices

  • Worse than other Australians


Questão 102 de 120


.... of the following behavioural risk factors, which is the most concerning for the indigenous population as rates are significantly higher than in the non indigenous population?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Risky levels of alcohol consumption

  • Illicit drug uses

  • Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle

  • Smoking


Questão 103 de 120


Which of the following best describes key features of aboriginal community controlled services?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Health workforces which are government by Indigenous Australians

  • Community - initiated and located with culturally acceptable, holistic services with aboriginal health workers as the major workforce

  • Empowerment: facilitating individuals and communities to assume great responsibilities for their personal health and wellbeing

  • All features of the ACCHS arose from failure of mainstream services to adequately provide for indigenous people


Questão 104 de 120


Indigenous Australians under 65 are twice as likely as non indigenous Australians to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Have a disability

  • Smoke tobacco

  • Require health literacy

  • Require assistance with daily activities


Questão 105 de 120


Indigenous Australians consist of what percentage of the population?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 5%

  • 10%

  • 12%

  • 3%


Questão 106 de 120


When was the first ACCHS established?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • After the 1967 referendum when rights to freedom of movement were made more flexible

  • After the mabo decision in 1992 when their special health rights were recognised

  • After federation in 1901 when freedom of movement was given back to aboriginal and Torres strait islanders

  • After the second world war in 1946 when aboriginal soldiers returned from service and it was recognised they were frequently not comfortable with mainstream health services


Questão 107 de 120


Which of the following is not true?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cultural safety and cultural competence have now become entrenched in mainstream health services so most aboriginal people now prefer these services

  • Indigenous people 40-59 years are 3x as likely to need assistance with daily activities as non indigenous people in that age bracket

  • The purple house seeks to provide ongoing connection to family and country for people needing ongoing renal dialysis treatment

  • ACCHS help build a cultural awareness and sensitivity of mainstream health services


Questão 108 de 120


Hospitalisation of indigenous people for potentially preventable condition occurs more frequently than for non-indigenous. These hospitalisations occur at a rate nearly ____ times as often.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • One

  • Ten

  • Four

  • Eight


Questão 109 de 120


Despite strong evidence for the efficacy and value of ACCHS

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Indigenous people do not go to them for health care services

  • They do not provide the services their local communities require

  • They do not deliver significant economic benefits to their communities

  • There is an ongoing need to fight for their place in Australian health care


Questão 110 de 120


Aboriginal controlled services arose from

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Political point scoring

  • Aboriginal people protesting at community health services

  • Mainstream services over servicing aboriginal communities

  • A failure of mainstream services to adequately provide for indigenous people


Questão 111 de 120


One of the greatest challenges to the Australian healthcare system is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Ensuring there is a suitable workforce

  • Ensuring screening programs are made available

  • Ensuring people visit their GP as needed

  • Ensuring politicians follow through on their promises


Questão 112 de 120


Which of the following is TRUE? There will be challenges of accessing Primary healthcare because

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • All primary health care is free

  • Lack of practitioner time is cited as a frequent barrier to providing services

  • primary health care is fully funded by the government

  • primary health care is readily available in non-metropolitan regions


Questão 113 de 120


Which of the following is FALSE?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Lifestyle diseases continue to increase

  • Indigenous peoples have higher rates of disease then non-indigenous peoples

  • There is evidence that the use of illicit drugs will reduce significantly into the future

  • Primary health care has a role in the prevention of the onset of chronic disease


Questão 114 de 120


It is true that there will be future challenges in providing services to people with a disability because

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Disability service providers are not accredited

  • There is no definition of a disability

  • Services will need to be specifically tailored to the person with the disability

  • People with a disability are difficult to contact


Questão 115 de 120


It is FALSE to state that non-communicable diseases

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Include diabetes, mental illness and cancer

  • Can be best addressed through collaboration across many industries

  • Are considered a public health challenge

  • are decreasing in developing countries


Questão 116 de 120


Numerous types of health practitioners comprise the Australian Health workforce. Which group represents the greatest proportion of practitioners?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Psychologists

  • Medical practitioners

  • Nurses and midwives

  • Pharmacists


Questão 117 de 120


Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • All health practitioner types are greater in concentration in Major cities than rural or remote settings

  • Females comprise a greater proportion of the health care and social assistance industry

  • The number (per 100,000 population) of Australian nurses is greater than the OECD average

  • The numbers of medical practitioners and nurses/midwives have increased significantly over the last few year


Questão 118 de 120


Which of the following is NOT a challenge for the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Patient access to primary health care needs

  • The reliance on only private health insurance to cover costs

  • The remoteness of service delivery

  • Availability of funding


Questão 119 de 120


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A policy may be rules to guide action or inaction

  • A policy culminates in an issue/situation being defined, redefined or changed

  • A policy is a short term solution to an acute situation

  • A policy may be presented as a statement of intentions, objectives and goals


Questão 120 de 120


Australians expect their health policies to be guided by

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Fairness and justice

  • Defined pensions

  • All people covered by insurance

  • The rule of the land
