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Stapes foot plate covers:
Round window
Oval window
Sinus tympni
In a normal ear, which of the following is NOT true:
External canal length 36 mm
To see the tympanic membrane, put the auricle upward and backward
Cartilagenous external canal contains hair follicles and glands
Incisura terminalis is devoid of cartilage
MacEwen's triangle is a surgical land mark for:
Tympanic segment of facial nerve
Lateral semi circular canal
Mastoid antrum
Crista ampullaris is the sensory organ of:
Semicircular canal
what is not true about Preauricular Fistula:
This is a first pharyngeal arch defect
Organism involved is commonly haemophilus
Could be bilateral
It may recur after excision
Unilateral congenital meatal atresia is best treated by:
Hearing aid
Reconstructive surgery at age 12 months
Reconstructive surgery before school age
No treatment required
About Bat's ear, which of the following is true:
Main complaint is cosmatic
Surgery is otoplasty
May be familial
All of the above
2-years-old child with Anotia and meatal atresia, investigation does not include:
CT scan temporal bones
Brain stem audiometry
Genetic counseling
Pure tone audiometry