Criado por Lyna Phillips
aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
CH 1
What are eukaryotes?
CH 1
What groups are included in eukaryotes?
CH 1
What are prokaryotes?
CH 1
What groups are included in prokaryotes?
CH 1
What are the traits of bacteria?
CH 1
What are the traits of archaea?
CH 1
What are the traits of algae?
CH 1
What are the traits of fungi?
CH 1
What are the traits of protozoa?
CH 1
What are the 4 steps in Koch's postulate?
CH 1
What is the Scientific Method?
CH 2
What is the function of the glycocalyx?
CH 2
What are the functions of a capsule versus a slime layer?
CH 2
What are the parts of a flagella?
CH 2
Know the names of the different arrangements of flagella.
CH 2
What are fimbrae?
CH 2
What are the traits of gram-positive bacterial cell walls?
CH 2
What are the traits of gram-negative cell walls?
CH 2
What is the function of endospores?
CH 2
How do bacterial spores form? What are the steps in the process?
CH 2
Know the differences between gram-positive and gram-negative cells.
CH 2
What is a hamus?
CH 2
What are some of the unique structures of eukaryotic cell wall membranes?
CH 2
How to eukaryotic cell flagella differ from prokaryotic?
CH 2
Describe cilia.
Ch 6
What is a chemotroph?
CH 6
What is an autotroph?
CH 6
What is an autotroph?
CH 6
What is a heterotroph?
CH 6
What is nitrogen fixation?
CH 6
What are the categories for classifying microbes based on the temperature preference?
CH 6
What are the categories for classifying microbes based on their pH preference?
CH 7
What are the structures of prokaryotic genomes?
CH 7
What is the structure of a eukaryotic genome?
CH 7
What are plasmids?
CH 7
What is the process of DNA replication?
CH 7
what is the central dogma of genetics?
What are the stages in transcription?
CH 7
How does transcription differ between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?