Criado por Nicole Capelli
aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
The most basic unite of visual material.
What is a series of frames taken in rapid succession?
What does it mean to start and stop the camera to capture a particular shot?
What is it called when shots of one setting are edited together?
What is generally one scene or series of scenes that make up a unit?
What does it mean to move the camera to a new camera angle or new scene?
What are the three basic category of shots?
What do Long Shots include?
What does a Wide shot include?
What is an Establishing Shot?
What is a Master Shot?
What does it mean to shot Coverage?
What does it mean to shot Standardized Coverage?
What are Medium Shots?
What are Close-ups?
What are Reverse Angles?
What is the Point of View, POV, shot?
What is blocking?
What is the Rule of Thirds?
What is Headroom?
What does it mean to lead the action?
What is a Dutch Angle?
What does it mean to Pan the camera?
What does it mean to tilt the camera?
What is a locked-off shot?
What does it meant to maintain Continuity?
What is spatial relationships in a scene?
What is temporal relationships in a scene?
What are match cuts?
What are jump cuts?
What is a cutaway?
What does screen direction mean?
What does using the 180-degree rule provide?