Criado por Shareef Akbari
quase 8 anos atrás
What is Rapoport's rule?
How does Rapoport's rule relate explain the longitudinal gradient of species richness?
What are the problems with Rapoport's rule explaining the latitudinal gradient of species richness?
How is glacial history supposed to explain the latitudinal gradient of species richness?
What are the problems with the glacial history theory in explaining the latitudinal gradient of species richness?
What is niche conservatism?
Is climate a good or bad predictor of species richness? Elaborate.
How can niche conservatism explain the trend in species richness?
How does habitat heterogeneity explain the latitudinal gradient in species richness?
What is the consequence of humans destroying habitats?
What is the mid-domain hypothesis?
Explain how the mid-domain hypothesis come about?
What is the problem with the mid-domain hypothesis?