Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 15 minutos para completar as 10 questões deste quiz..
Suleman A.S was the father of Daud A.S who was also a King and a Prophet (True or False )
Bani Israel were being impressed by Shayateen and showed interest in magic rather than t book of Allah (True or False)
what is the root word of Tatlu and what does it mean
ت ل و : to follow something
ت ب ع : to follow closely
Allah S.W.T says Suleman A.S never did Kufr ie he never practiced magic (True or False)
Magic can affect the mind of a person ,his body, soul, health ..or a person can even die, as well wealth can also be taken away (True or False)
Allah send the angels Haroot and Maroot to test Bani Israel /&mankind. (True or False)
The angels Haroot and Maroot before they taught magic to any person they made very clear that they are Fitna and not to disbelieve(Kufr) (True or False)
Witchcraft, Magic, Magic Shows ,Trickery are all falsehood and are permissible. (True or False)
Ticks with cards or any kind of trickery comes under " Magic of Illusion ". Therefore this is not permissible. (True or False)
Allah S.W.T calls magic as Kufr. (True or False)