Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 15 minutos para completar as 10 questões deste quiz..
What were the objections of Bani Israel against the Prophet S.A.W ? With reference to the verse 106
If you say that this Quran is the Musaddiq(confirms truthfulness) of the previous books, then why is it that the commands given in this book are different from the commands given in our books
Why is it that the commands given in Quran are being changed? (sometimes you follow one command and sometimes you follow another)
ALLAH S.W.T tells us the reason for abrogation of the verses of Quran That ALLAH S.W.T brings something similar or better than these verses. (True or False )
What is Naskh?
Removal of a legal command while another is given at it's place
Removal of a illegal command while another is given at it's place
Select the types of Naskh from the following
Words and command, both are removed
Words and command both are not removed
Verse is not there anymore but command is still applicable
Verse is there and command is also applicable
The command is cancelled out, however the verse is still in the Quran
What are the reasons for the abrogation of the verses ? Select one or more than one
Command belongs to Allah alone so He can do whatever He wants to.
To gradually reveal the commands that makes it easy for people to follow
To test the believers
New command is more beneficial
To lighten the burden
Qudrah means perfect ability. (True or False )
Who has an absolute Qudrah over everything?
Messengers of ALLAH
ALLAH S.W.T talks about His Qudrah in this Ayah To let us know that when He can do whatever He wants in the heavens and the earth then why can He not change the command that He has revealed. (True or False)
What is the significance of the verse/command being changed??
The command may be easier
The command may be very hard with less rewards
It gives more reward
It shows the true submission of a believer
Izalah ,Naql and Nunsiha means
Izalah mean to erase/Naql means To copy something /Nunsiha which means forgetting
Izalah means to copy / Naql means to erase /Nunsiha means to remember