Criado por Zoe Bone
quase 8 anos atrás
What can be concluded about answering questions to do with the totality of life?
What is myth?
What did F.D.Strauss suggest about myths in the bible thanks to the rise of rationalism?
What did John MAcQuarrie say about myth in relation to symbol?
What does MacQuarrie say about the types of myth in the bible?
What does Emily Durkheim argue about myths?
What does Jaspers say about myths?
Who famously supports myth?
What does he argue in his book "The New Testament and Mythology"?
What is the Kerygma?
What is the Kerygma of Jesus' Return?
In what respects does Bultmann perceives Liberal Theology as inadequate?
What was the demythologising program?
What is a myth for Bultmann?
What is the demythologising programme?
What does MAcQuarrie say about Myth?
What does Durkheim say about Myth?
What does Bergson say about myth?
What can be said to credit myth?
What could we accuse Bultmann of?
What does this theory disregard?
What can be said against this theory?
What does Dawkins say against myth/