Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 15 minutos para completar as 10 questões deste quiz..
Select few lessons learnt from the Verse 108
We have been encouraged to ask questions that are only relevant to our actions
Irrelevant and unnecessary questions can eventually ruin our faith
Before asking any question, always ask yourself "is it going to help me improve my emaan
Our minds are very limited and there are many matters of the unseen we don't know about. So no need to chase that
Ask Allah to guide you and you will find the answers.
The Bani Israel asked too many questions, their hearts became ____
Give any two examples of the demand/ questions Bani Israel asked ?
They said they will never believe until they will see Allah swt.
They asked too many questions about the cow when they were commanded to slaughter the cow
They said we will never believe in you until you cause springs to gush forth from here
According to the Verse 108 The one who exchanges belief with unbelief has lost the right way (True or False)
Mushrikeen demanded that they will never believe in Prophet S.A.W until Prophet S.A.W cause springs to gush forth from here. (True or False)
Who asked too many questions to Muhammad S.A.W ?
Bani Israel
In the Verse 108 who is being addressed
All the people to whom Prophet S.A.W was sent
Jews and Christians
According to the Verse 107 If Allah brings good to you, no one can bring evil to you. And if He sends something evil to you, no one can stop it from reaching you. (True or False)
Who is Naseer? Select one of the following
The one who helps you, also protects you from harm.
The one who protects, brings good to the other person
Do we have any wali besides Allah? (Yes or No )