Criado por AlisonH
quase 11 anos atrás
Total War
Home Front
Battle Front
As the war goes on...
(in terms of how country's output is handled during the war.)
What is needed for the war to continue? How is this achieved?
End of total war?
What does this commitment mean for the economy/ weapons?
Examples of Total war?
Civil War
How do Civil Wars end?
Civillian v. Soldier
(Civil War)
Govt. results of civil war?
Involvement of other countries in civil war?
Where do civil wars come from?
Limited War
Examples of limited war
Forms of War: Conventional War
Forms of War: Siege
Forms of War: Open Order War
Forms of War: Combined Armies
Army Strategies?
German Strategy in WW1
Guerilla War
Great War was between?
War grows to include?
What did the involvement of empires mean?
How were colonies involved?
Britian's Beef with Germany?
Rivalry over trade
Rivalry over trade cont.
Conflict over trade
First Alliance?
Role of alliances?
Role of entente?
The Balkans
Austria' Big Concern
Austria, Cont.
Bosnian Crisis
The Balkan War 1912-1913
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Austrian Response
The "Great War"
Changes in Warfare
War Phase 1:The Schliffen Plan
Failures of the Schliffen Plan
Russia and the Schliffen Plan
War Phase 2
War Phase 2 Cont.
The War and Turkey
The War and Japan
The Western Front
Problems with Trench Warfare
Effective Plan?
British Problems
German Advantages
German Advantages
Turning Tide
The War at Sea
US Entrance
War in the Air
Changes in 1917
War in 1918
Implications of Technology in the war
New Tech
The Home Front
Russian Revolution
World Powers after the War
The War and Politics
Alliance Leaders
Entente Leaders
Treaties 2
Treaties 3
Treaties 4
Losing Powers
Postwar Economic Changes
Postwar Agriculture/Industry
Postwar Social Changes: Women
Postwar Social Changes: Working Class
Postwar Social Changes: Liberalization
Postwar Changes: The Arts
Wider Implications of WW1
WW1 on Empires
Balkan War, cont.
Balkan League Members?
Serbian Nationalists
Introduction of trenches