Criado por rooti.shah
mais de 10 anos atrás
Functional Group
molecular formula - what is the molecular formula for pentane?
structural formula- what is the structural formula for 1,4-dibromobutane?
displayed formula
empirical formula- what is the empirical formula of ethane?
general formula for alkanes
general formula for alkenes
general formula for alcohols
a homologous series
skeletal formula
Structural isomers
E/Z isomerism
E isomers
Z isomers
cis-trans isomerism
chemical yield
calculate percentage yield
atom economy
which reactions have an atom ecnomy of 100%?
reactions can have a high percentage yield but low atom economy
why do scientists choose to use reactions with high atom economies?
Are alkanes and cycloalkanes saturated or unsaturated?
name the first ten alkanes (alkanes end in ane)
how to name branched alkanes- name CH3 CH2(CH3) CH2 CH3
what is the shape around each carbon atom in alkanes?
explain the trend in boiling point in alkanes.
what is the difference in boiling points for straight alkanes and branched alkanes?
products of combustion of alkanes
why are alkanes burned?
what are the dangers of incomplete combustion of alkanes?
what is crude oil and what is it used for?
how are the hydrocarbons in crude oil separated?
what are hydrocarbons used for?
which alkanes are more useful and how are they obtained?
how and why do manufacturers process straight chained hydrocarbons into branched or cyclic isomers?
what are fossil fuels?
what effect does burning fossil fuels have on the environment?
fossil fuels are non renewable sources of energy. what is the problem with this and why is the development of renewable plant based fuels important?
why does the demand for renewable energy have a negative effeect on poorer countries?
what are the different types of covalent bond fission?
in a reaction mechanism what does a curly arrow represent?
what are substitution reactions used for?
in a substitution reaction where is homolytic fission used?
describe the steps of substitution reactions
what is a limitation of substitution reaction?
what are alkenes and cyclealkenes?
how are the double bonds in alkenes formed?
what is the shape around each double bonded carbon in alkenes?
how does polymerisation occur?
what are the advantages of using polymers?
how can you dispose of a polymer?
what do chemists do to minimise environmental damage from polymers?
new methods of developing degradable plastics
addition reactions of alkenes
addition reactions of alkenes can be used with:
examples of addition reactions in industry
what is the use of alkenes in industry to produce organic compounds?