Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 30 minutos para completar as 10 questões deste quiz..
The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food we eat into smaller components so that nutrients can be easily absorbed by the body and the waste discarded.
The first stage of the digestive system is:
To avoid getting a stomachache, you should:
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains
Drink lots of soda
Eat only the foods you like
Don't drink a lot of water
What helps the stomach dissolve and break down the food we eat?
Blood in the stomach
Bacteria in the stomach
Acid or the juices in the stomach
The is the last stage of the digestive system. Any that the body doesn't need or can't use is sent to it and later leaves the body as waste. This solid waste is then stored in the until it is excreted via the .
Select the correct answers:
Numer 4 is the liver
Number 1 is where food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes
Number 3 is the pancreas
Number 6 churns the food and bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric acid)
Now write the correct word thar correspond to each number
Food hangs out in the stomach for around four hours. While the food sits there, more ❌ go to work on it, breaking down things like ❌ that our bodies can use. The stomach kills a lot of bad ❌ as well, so we don't get sick.
Which of the following organs is NOT used during digestion?
When you're ready to swallow, the tongue pushes a tiny bit of mushed-up food called bolus