What does 'WAN' stand for?
What does 'LAN' stand for?
What is a 'Node' ?
What does 'ISP' stand for?
The standard protocols for receiving email?
What does 'DNS' stand for?
What does 'FTP' stand for?
In studio 1, what cable connects the C24 to the Mac Pro?
When a client communicates with another client on a network, it is called?
When a client connects to a server it is called?
What is 'Star Topology' ?
In a Star Topology Network set up, what happens if a 'computer' dies?
What happens if the 'control device' dies on a Star Topology Network set up?
What does 'NIC' stand for?
Another phrase used to describe a 'Network Interface Controller' ?
Each adapter has 2 things that it uses to connect to the network?
What is a MAC Address?
Note about Ethernet & Wi-Fi?
Switching refers to?
What is an Access Point?
What does a 'Repeater' do?
What is a 'Router' ?
What does a 'Modem' do?
What is 'Data Compression' ?
Why do we Compress Data?
What is 'Codec' ?
What is 'Wrapper' ?
In regards to Data Compression, what is 'Lossless' ?
In regards to Data Compression, what is 'Lossy' ?
What are some types that can be 'Lossy' ?
What are some types that can't be 'Lossy' ?
For audio compression, what are some Lossless Formats?
For audio compression, what are some Lossy Formats?
What is Perceptual Coding?
What is Bitrate?
What is CBR?
What is VBR?
What are the 2 video codecs that are guaranteed to work with protools?
The video codec that is not guaranteed to work with protools?
What does NAS stand for?
What does NIC stand for?
What are some general requirements for network communication?
What is a Low Level Protocol?
What is a Circuit Switched Network?
What is a Packet Switched Network?
What is TCP / IP ?
What does TCP stand for?
What does IP stand for?
Things to note about IPv4
In IP addresses you refer to a byte as an
What does UDP stand for?
Notes about UDP
Is IP Address Space limited?
What does NAT stand for?
What does NAT do?
What is PING?
What are some High Level Protocols?
LAN IP Addresses digit allocation
What is a Subnet Mask?