Criado por Julie Gholston
quase 8 anos atrás
The Great Commission always includes
the dual components of
Jesus used the Parable of the Sower to
The believer's role in
personal evangelism
is to
Studies have shown
that most personal evangelism
is carried out by
The ultimate goal of fulfilling the
Great Commision is to
Jesus' purpose in identifying
geographical regions in the
Great Commission was to
The homogeneous principle is
The hospital analogy of the church
is used to
When considering the homogeneous principle in the light of personal evangelism, the believer is to
What are the two constant components
of the Great Commission
What is the objective of evangelism?
What vital concept must be in mind before someone is ready to receive Christ?
Why is it inaccurate to describe evangelism as "persuasion intended to convince the lost of the gospel's truth?"
Why is the concept of "both" in Acts 1:8 important to the full application of the Great Commission
Why is the homogeneous principle connected to some church growth models?
How does the gospel differ from the homogeneous principle?
How does the parable of the Good Samaritan apply to the Great Commission?
How can a homogeneous approach to evangelism contribute to fulfilling the Great Commission