Criado por Louise Mason
aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
What is the order of the ruminent stomachs?
What epithelium makes up the rumen?
Where in the abdomen does the rumen lie?
The rumen displaces all other organs to the right except for which three?
What are the 'sacs' of the rumen?
What divides the rumen into its relative sacs?
What internal structures mirror the external grooves of the rumen?
What separates the rumen from the reticulum?
Where in the abdomen does the reticulum lie?
What is traumatic reticulitis?
What makes the internal surface of the reticulum recognisable?
Where in the abdomen does the Omasum lie?
From what feature does the term 'the Bible' derive from as applied to naming the Omasum?
Absorption of what substance takes place in the Omasum?
What processes are carried out in the Abomasum?
Where in the abdomen does the Abomasum lie?
Describe the distribution of papilla within the Rumen.
What is the oesophageal groove?
As a young animal, what is the function of the oesophageal groove?
What stimulates closure of the Oesophageal Groove?
What is the primary artery supplying blood to the stomachs?
Which branches of the coeliac artery follow the lesser curvature of the Abomasum?
Which branches of the coeliac artery follow the greater curvature of the Abomasum?
Which branches of the coeliac artery follow the longitudinal grooves of the rumen?
How is the ruminant stomach blood drained?
What is involved in the parasympathetic innervation of the ruminant stomachs?
What is involved in the Sympathetic innervation of the ruminant stomachs?
What is attached to the Greater Omentum?
What is attached to the Lesser Omentum?
Where does the superficial wall of the greater omentum originate from?
Where does the deep wall of the greater omentum originate from/
What is formed by the walls of the Greater Omentum?
What is seen when looking at the RHS of the abdomen?
Reflecting the Greater Omentum which way allows what other viscera to be seen on the RHS?
What is the cranial border of the Greater Omentum attached to?
How is the ileum attached to the Caecum?
Which abdominal viscera is the Jejunum suspended from?
What is the position of the Caecum within the abdomen?
What are the three divisions of the ascending colon?
What are two common surgical approaches in cattle for accessing the abdomen?
What is a Dermatome?
Why must more than one spinal nerve be blocked for abdominal surgery?
In the abdomen, how are Dermatomes named?
What does Paravertebral anaesthesia do?
What spinal nerve would need to be blocked for operate in the Paralumbar Fossa region?
Which spinal nerves would need to be blocked to carry out a Rumenotomy?
Which spinal nerves would need to be blocked before carrying out a Caesarian?
Which spinal nerves would need to be blocked to operate on the udder?
Describe the technique used to carry out Paravertebral anaesthesia.