Criado por Allison Sonia
mais de 7 anos atrás
What is Attention?
Does attention have limits?
Properties of attention
Issues in understanding attention
1) Can you attend to all sensory/ perceptual mental activity?
2) How much can you take in?
3) What factors determine what draw your attention?
4) What factors determine what holds your attention?
5) What happens to information that is not attended to?
Types of attentional mechanisms
Attention Pathways
Divided attention
Selective attention
Dichotic listening
What is noticed from the unattended channel?
Important properties of attention shown by dichotic listening tasks
Principles of divided attention
The Stroop effect
Bottleneck theories
Schneider & Shiffrin's Model
Early versus late selection models
Visual search tasks
The isolated-feature/ combined-feature effect
The feature-present/ feature-absent effect
Treisman's feature integration theory
Traditional oddball task (presenting squares frequently, and then adding a circle infrequently)
Novelty oddball task (same as traditional one but adding new infrequent pictures of common scenes)
Emotional oddball task (negative emotional pictures are added in with the neutral ones)
Helmholtz and covert attention
Naturalistic orienting
Cues used to direct spatial attention
A network of regions in posterior parietal, frontal, and cingulate cortices responsible for domain-independent attentional manipulations
Inhibition of Return (IOR)
Attentional bias to threat
Types of threat
Differential attention to stimulus features
Attention differs from fusiform face area (FF and the parahippocampal place area(PPA)
Cortical regions involved in attentional control
Sources and sites of attention
Brain regions involved in detection of novelty and attentional reorienting
Sub-cortical areas of attention
Spatial neglect
Neuropsychological tests of attention: the cancellation task
Neuropsychological tests of attention: Gaze bias
Neuropsychological tests of attention: Test of extinction
Bálint's syndrome
Simultaneous agnosia
Oculomotor apraxia
Optic ataxia