Annalise Farrington
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

GCSE English (Of Mice And Men) Quiz sobre Of Mice and Men - How characters are portrayed, criado por Annalise Farrington em 28-04-2014.

Annalise Farrington
Criado por Annalise Farrington mais de 10 anos atrás

Of Mice and Men - How characters are portrayed

Questão 1 de 4


How is Candy portrayed the first time you meet him?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A old man, who never does anything and always uses the excuse that he cannot walk very far.

  • A middle aged man who works his hardest and believes that he will always work on the ranch, no matter what.

  • An old man who always works his hardest and feels that he will eventually be kicked out of work on the ranch because of age discrimination and will no longer be of use.


Questão 2 de 4


Slim is an understanding man that has no fear of the ranch and will feel that he is always belonging at the ranch. He can be selfish and horrible to the other workers as he feels that he over powers everybody else. He takes advantage of the position he has at the ranch.

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Questão 3 de 4


In what way is Crooks portrayed?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • He is an intelligent man and makes sure all of his rights are respected and even keeps a copy of The Californian Civil Code above his bed on a shelf.

  • He is loved within the ranch and everyone respects him and appreciates that he has a crooked back and he cant do as much work as the others.

  • He respects that he is a "Negro" and will be treated differently than other white people. He s a stable buck and isn't able to mix with other men in the bunk house and has to work in the barn with horses.


Questão 4 de 4


Curley is a very controlling and he has power over most of the ranch. He is the boss`s son and has a very strong persona. He is disliked by many people on the ranch however they keep quiet as they don't want to be sacked.

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