Cultural deprivation
Centre for Longitudinal studies (2007)
Hubbs-Tait et al (2002) - Language
Feinstein (2008) - Language
Bereiter and Englemann (1966) - Language
Bernstein (1975) Restricted code - Language
Bernstein (1975) Elaborated code - Language
What else did Bernstein (1975) say?
Parents Education
Douglas (1964) - Parents education
Feinstein (2008) - Parents education
Parenting style - Parents education
Parents' educational behaviours - Parents education
Use of income - Parents education
Use of income Bernstein and Young (1967) - Parents education
Class, income and parental education - Parents education
Working-class subculture
Sugarman (1970) - working-class subcluture
Fatalism - Working class subculture
Collectivism - Working class subculture
Immediate gratification - Working class subculture
Present-time orientation - Working class subculture
What does Sugarman (1970) also say?
Why else are the working class disadvantaged?
Compensatory education
Compensatory education - Operation Head Start US
Compensatory education - in the UK