Criado por Angelica Tsapparelli
quase 8 anos atrás
Composition of the commons by party 2015
Social composition of the commons 2015
Resemblance model of representation
Is remblance important?
YES :)
Is resemblance important
NO :(
The House of Lords reform 1999 intro
Composition of the Lords by party October 2011
Appointment to the Lords
Composition of the Lords by type October 2011
New Labour & appointment of life peers (1997-2010)
Using the power to appoint peers
Using the power to appoint peers
Using the power to appoint peers
Parliaments funtions
!. Representation
2. Legislation
3. Scrutiny
4. Legitamision
5. Political recruitment
Public Bills
Private bills
Normal passage of legislation
Short-cutting the legislative process
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005
Relative powers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords
The Parliament Acts of 1911 & 1949
The Salisbury Doctrine
Is the Lords really that weak?