selene Maldonado
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

this quiz will assess your understanding of protocol after a student injury has accrued.

selene Maldonado
Criado por selene Maldonado mais de 7 anos atrás

student health referral quiz

Questão 1 de 9


The Health Referral form is to be filled out by the

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Student

  • Site Coordinator

  • Program Leader


Questão 2 de 9


Which answer best fits this statement: For head injuries, Program Leaders need to

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Fill out an incident report form

  • Monitor student until parent arrives

  • Fill out a head injury form

  • Fill out two head injury forms and notify S.C.

  • Refer student to S.C. to get checked out by S.C.

  • Fill out a health referral form


Questão 3 de 9


Program Leader can apply first aide including ice packs if they have them.

Selecione uma das opções:



Questão 4 de 9


What else can you do in addition to radioing S.C. and the Health Referral Form when there is a student health complaint?Check all that apply.

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Separate the "sick" student form the rest of the kids

  • Move the finger, ankle or arm that hurts to see if they have to go home

  • Ask if they've been sick? and if their mom/dad know this?

  • Did they go to the nurse? Why not?

  • Did they tell a teacher? When/How did it start?

  • If they went to the nurse, did the nurse call home?

  • Remind them to go to the nurse next time. Because we don't have a nurse after school.

  • Ask them if they would like to play anyway so that they don't feel left out

  • Allow them to rest but make sure they are near by for monitoring


Questão 5 de 9


For Head Injuries

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • First monitor to determine if we need to call home

  • Call home first and keep monitored


Questão 6 de 9


What is the best way to radio S.C. for head health referrals?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • "Ms. Selene, what's your location?"

  • "I have a health referral what's your location?"

  • "Ms. Selene, Jonathan got hurt on the arm, I need an ice pack"


Questão 7 de 9


Preencha os espaços em branco para completar o texto.

Answer each question. 1. Should injured students go see Ms. Selene to get check-out 2. Under what circumstance should a student go looking for Ms. Selene in the event that they are hurt


Questão 8 de 9


What should you do if you would like to consult with Ms. Selene regarding a health referral?

Selecione uma ou mais das seguintes:

  • Radio- "Ms. Selene, I have a health referral, may I see you in ____"

  • Radio- "Ms. Selene what's your location?"

  • Radio Ms. Selene what's going on?

  • Radio Ms. Selene, "I have a health referral can you call my my ext."


Questão 9 de 9


Preencha os espaços em branco para completar o texto.

I need to fill out head injury forms because one is for the parent and the other is
