Criado por becky sharrock
quase 8 anos atrás
what did Murdock study in 1949?
what did Leach 1967 say?
who promotes the nuclear family?
Young and Wilmott 1973?
Smart 1999
arguments that the nuclear family is still important in society
arguments that the nuclear family is not important in society
what did Murray say?
What did Murdock say about the extended family?
anderson 1971
Finch and Mason 1993
evidence of secularisation
reasons for the decrease in marriage
price of wedding statistic
Roseneil and Budegeon 2004
arguments that marriage is still important
Divorce is increasing:
Legal Aid and Advice Act?
Divorce Reform Act?
Divorce is increasing:
Matrimonial Proceedings Act?
Family Law Act?
Practice Direction?
Reasons for an increase in divorce
Rodgers and Pryor 1998:
why couples cohabit:
Reasons for having kids later
'Social change, family formation and kin relationships'
birth rate trends
reasons for long term decline in birth rates
'After I've done the mum thing'
factors affecting birth rate, causing reduced birthrate
reasons for increase age for childbirth
what is the crude birth rate
total fertility rate (TFR)
average women had ? number of children in:
Beck and Beck Gernsheim 1995:
Decline in mortality
types of family
advantages of an ageing population
disadvantages of an ageing population
causes of an ageing population
Abortion Act
baby booms
births outside of marriage increasing
The Rapoport 1982, classify family diversity in 5 ways:
criticisms of the Rapoports
Conjugal Roles
Weeks et al 1999
cultural diversity: African-Caribbeans
Dale et al 2004
South Asian families
Singh 2003
social class and family: poverty
social class and family
sexuality and family
laws permitting sexual diversity in families
New Right and family diversity (Dennis 1993)
organic analogy (functionalism)
Murdock 1949: 4 functions of the nuclear family
Engles 1884 (marxist)
Engles' view on the family 1884
Critique of Engles
Zaretsky 1976 (updated Marxist theory)
Zaretsky's view on the Family
challenge to Zaretsky: Poulantzas (1969)
Critique of Zaretsky
Althusser 1970
Ideological State Apparatuses
Zaretsky and Althusser
Radical feminism and the family
Delphy and Leonard 1992 (radical feminist)
Somerville 2000 (liberal feminist)
Benston 1972 (Marxist feminist)
Feminist theory of the family: radical feminists.
Feminist theory of the family: radical feminists.
Greer (2000)
Feminist theory of the family: Marxist feminists.
Feminist theory of the family: Marxist feminists.
Benston 1972
Feminist theory of the family: Marxist feminists.
Ansley 1972
roles of grandparents
Feminist theory of the family: Liberal feminists.
Feminist theory of the family: Liberal feminists.
Somerville (2000)
Feminist theory of the family: Difference feminists.
postmodernist views on the family
Giddens 1992
postmodernist views on the family
Giddens: positives and negatives
postmodernist views on the family
Beck and Beck-Gernshein (1995)
postmodernist views on the family
Beck and Beck-Gernshein (1995)
positives and negatives
postmodernist views on the family
Stacey 1996
postmodernist views on the family
Stacey 1996
positives and negatives
joint conjugal roles vs segregated conjugal roles
conjugal roles in contemporary UK
conjugal roles in contemporary UK
Power and Decision Making
Duncombe and Marsden 1995
the symmetrical family
lesbian households
cultural and social variations in the family
changing role of grandparents
domestic violence definition
Guardian stat on domestic violence
stats on domestic violence
Nazroo's (1999) critique of such statistics
Explanation of domestic abuse:
Psychological theories
Explanation of domestic abuse:
Dysfunctional partnerships 1
Explanation of domestic abuse:
Dysfunctional partnerships 2
Explanation of domestic abuse:
Male Dominance
parents and childcare:
Child Centredness
parents and childcare:
Child Centredness critique
parents and childcare:
Changing gender roles and fathers part 1
parents and childcare:
Changing gender roles and fathers part 2
parents and childcare:
good and bad parenting
Willmott (1988)
Trend of household size decreasing evidence and reasons
trend of family size decreasing, evidence and reasons
trend of marriage rates decreasing evidence and reasons
trend of increased cohabitation evidence and reasons
trend of divorce increasing long term, evidence and reasons
trends in parenting (more single parents and parents later on in life)
evidence and reasons
evidence for secularisation