Criado por Kelly Bissong
mais de 7 anos atrás
Reagents and Conditions for Alkene =====> Halogenoalkane
Reagents and Conditions for Alkene =====>Alkane
Reagents and Conditions for Alkane =====> Halogenoalkane
Reagents and Conditions for Halogenoalkane =====> Amine
Reagents and Conditions for Halogenoalkane =====> Nitrile
Reagents and Conditions for Halogenoalkane =====> Primary alcohol
Reagents and Conditions for Primary alcohol =====> Halogenoalkane
Reagents and Conditions for Primary alcohol =====> Alkene
Reagents and Conditions for Nitrile =====> Carboxylic acid
Reagents and Conditions for Primary Alcohol =====> Aldehyde
Reagents and Conditions for Aldehyde =====> Primary Alcohol
Reagents and Conditions for Primary alcohol =====>Aldehyde=====> Carboxylic acid
Reagents and Conditions for Carboxylic acid =====> Ester
Reagents and Conditions for Carboxylic acid =====> Acyl chloride
Reagents and Conditions for Acyl Chloride =====> Ester
Reagents and Conditions for Acyl chloride =====> Primary amide
Reagents and Conditions for Acyl chloride =====> Secondary amide
Reagents and Conditions for Ester =====> Carboxylic acid
Reagents and Conditions for Secondary alcohol =====> Ketone