Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 15 minutos para completar as 9 questões deste quiz..
What is the Group of people, according to them every person have same level of Emaan ?
Whoever said La ilaha ilallah ,and has faith in heart equals to weight of Wheat grain he will Hell.
whoever perform funeral prayer, he gets;
No reward
Reward qual to One Qiraath
Reward equal two Qiraath
"This Day i have perfected your religion for you." mention chapter name and verse of Quran
Surah Al An'am:13
Surah Nasr : 03
Surah Maida:3
Surah Maida :13
The Verse "This Day i have perfected your religion for you." revealed on the day of 'Arfaat.
When we Receives any blessings, we might remain as before and not increase in gratitude to Allah by worshiping.
Either a person have eman or doesn't have eman.
Abusing a muslim is fusuq Kufr Shirk Nifaaq( fusuq, Kufr, Shirk, Nifaaq ) and killling him is Kufr.
Ibn Mulaika said that he met 30 3 13( 30, 3, 13 ) Companions Of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمأ and each of them afraid of becoming hypocrites.