Criado por Hannah Tribe
mais de 10 anos atrás
Haemodynamics is the relationship between ________ _______, ______ ___________ and ___________ to _______.
What does it depend on? (7)
What is blood flow?
What is perfusion?
How do you calculate the blood velocity?
How does this affect the cardiovascular system?
What is Darcy's Law of flow?
What does this mean?
What are 3 types of blood flow?
What is laminar blood flow and where does it occur?
What is turbulent flow and where does it occur?
What is bolus flow and where does it occur?
Which type of blood flow does Darcy's Law relate to?
Darcy's Law only applies up to a certain point. What is it and what happens above this point?
Name 4 determinants of blood pressure?
How is pulse pressure calculated? What is the average value?
What do changes in pulse pressure indicate?
How are these all connected?
How can compliance be calculated?
If the volume increases to very high levels, what happens to the pressure?
When does this become a problem?
How is the mean BP calculated?
What is this equivalent to?
Name 9 factors that influence mean BP
What are 2 key characteristics of veins?
What drives veins to return blood to the heart?
What is the thoracic pump?
What is the skeletal muscle pump?
How do valves help?
Which 3 factors control vascular resistance?
What is Poiseuille's Law?
What is the key part of Poiseuille's Law, and what does it mean?
What are the other parameters involved in Poiseuille's Law? (3)
Where is the main site of resistance and why?
What is viscosity a measure of?
What does it depend on? (4)
What are the extrinsic factors which can alter vascular tone to divert blood to/away from certai organs as it is needed? (2)
What are the intrinsic factors? (4)
What is the myogenic response?
How does this help?