Shannon Hebron
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AS level History (Politics) Mapa Mental sobre Conservative Dominance 1951-1964, criado por Shannon Hebron em 30-03-2017.

Shannon Hebron
Criado por Shannon Hebron quase 8 anos atrás
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ConservativeDominance 1951-1964Post war consensusThree majorpolitical partieshad broadagreement onmost issueImportanceof extensivewelfaresystems andthe NHSIntervention in the economy to ensuremaximum growth, full employmentand fair practicesForeign policy based onsupport for the USA andopposition to communismIndependence for the colonies inthe empireReasons for staying in powerEconomic DevelopmentsThe post war boom saw aperiod of economic growth andrising living standardsButskellismReasons for downfallEconomic DevelopmentsAiming to ensure full employment and economic growth,continued development of the welfare state, maintenanceof defence commitments and nuclear weaponryStop-Go economy, or the use ofinterest rates to controlgrowth, ensured a healthyeconomyBudgets manipulated toreinforce support (e.g. in 1959the chancellor introduced taxcuts)Imported more than exported sobalance of payment in defecitCould not afford to maintain allthree butskellism aimsGrowing inflationIndustrial relations,workers demanded payincreases due to inflationBudget manipulation led to bad economyIn July 1961 a pay pause was introduced to reduceexcessive pay demands but they ended up giving inso it was uselessBy 1964 there was a huge defecit, unemploymenthad risen and we had unsuccessfully tried to join theEEc which was not having these problemsSocial and cultural developmentsRising livingstandardsConsumerism, often peoplebought on creditCar ownership grew from 3 to 7 millionAble to afford home appliances and televisions,Class differences had narrowedthanks to the welfare state and thefeeling of all being in it togetherTelevision allowed for escapismand drama, as well as a methodof government advertisingthemselvesSocial and cultural developmentsRacismLabour shortages grew and peoplewere encouraged to move toBritain from the commonwealthfor workFaced discrimination in variouskindsThere was a series of racial attacks in1958Serious issues withmigrationEmergence of teen cultureBaby boomers whoformed sub-cultures andrebelledTeddy boys wereassociated with violenceForeign PolicyWinds of change - lots ofcolonies had inpendenceSupported USAduring the cold warForeign PolicySought to maintainglobal power but lackedthe resourcesSome people wereagainst the Cold warKept being declined from the EEC bythe French president which didn'thelp our economySome people were against thecollapse of the empireSuez CrisisEgypt's leader nationalisedthe suez canal and Britainand France made a secretagreement with Israel sothey could have it backCampaign was successful but USA and USSR opposed it so theyhad to withdraw because the USA threatened to take away theloansResulted in the resignation of PMAnthony Eden and showed thatBritain had a reduced role in theworldPrime MinistersConservative successesEconomyHousesAssosciated with prosperityBritain still seemed a world powerMaintained welfare spending,economic planning and policiesto help full employmentChurchillsgovernment builtover 300,000 housesNew schools built and uni places doubledMotorways builtLabour WeaknessesParty split during the 1950's over defence spendingProblems such as popular leader Hugh Gaitskells death in 1963Electorate was satisfied with conservative rule and did not trust labour to maintain this prosperityWilliam Churchill (1951 - 1955). Famedwartime leader. Mainly a figureheaddue to his ageAnthony Eden (1955 -1957) Long-serving foreignsecretary. Cut short by Suez CrisisHarold Macmillan (1957 - 1963) Presided over amassive increase in prosperitySir Alec Douglas-Home (1963-1964) Seen asout of touch so never really got to doanything before his govt defeatedClique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico