Este Quiz é cronometrado.
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What is the purpose of @configurationFactory?
To specify which factory this component will be added to
To manage and maintain many OSGi service instances .
To configure OSGi services
To create new service factories
Which attribute of @Component makes the service configurable ?
metatype = True
metatype = False
metadata = True
metadata = False
[1.2,2) – whats the bundle version here ?
1.2 to 2, 1.2 included and 1.2 excluded
1.2 to 2, 1.2 included and 2 excluded
below 1.2 and above 2
below 2 and above 1.2
Your system keeps crashing and is very slow. You see the below line in error logs. cacheManager: ResizeAll What are the probable reasons for this crash ?
The instance is replicating to itself
Instance reverse replication is mapped to itself
Instances of unclosed JcrSessions
Some known issue with replication is causing infinite replications
Server cache not set properly
Which log can be used to timings of the requests to an instance
request log
server log
Error log
stdout log
How to start AEM instance in debug mode with a specific port.
java –Xdebug socket=”specific port no.” –jar aem-author-4502.jar
java socket=”specific port no.” –jar aem-author-4502.jar
java –Xdebug socket=”specific port no.” –jar aem-publish-4502.jar
java –Xdebug socket=”Apache port num.” –jar aem-author-4502.jar
What run mode will be set for PROD environment ?
Behavior of @SlingServlet
Path always takes precedence even if other options like resourceType and selector are present
When both path and the resource type properties are absent , the servlet is ignored .
Checks the selectors and prefix
Checks hyperlinks
When you are overlaying OOB image component , at a location /apps/myApp/components, what should you ensure
Overlay JSP
Overlay Dialogs
Different icons
Different styles
There is an external dependency that you have included in your pom.xml file. But when you install the bundle in felix console, bundle is not active. To include the classes from the external dependency, which one of the below will you use ?
Private Package - Packages that are not exported or imported are called private packages
Export Package
Import Package
Property and node types used in cq:dialog in Touch UI?
Use of Configuring OSGi services via content nodes?
Not secure
Can be differentiated using runmode.
Will be of type sling:osgi
Can be maintained and deployed with code
Parent component has 4 tabs. A component overlays it and additionally, a node with property sling:hideChildren set to 2 tab names. What is the significance of this ? component dialog - developer overlays OOTB component.
Permission and cloudservices as well as their Children are hidden
Permission and cloudservices are hidden but properties retained
basic and advanced tab are removed
Basic and advanced tab remains unchanged
Permission and cloudservices as well as their properties are hidden
How to configure MYSQL data source in aem ?
Day commons JDBC connections pool
Day CQ mail service
Day commons SQL connections pool
Day commons MySQL connections pool
How to change the CRX token expiration time ?
Apache Jackrabbit Oak TokenConfiguration
Apache Oak Configuration
Day CQ Token Configuration
Token Configuration
An application uses SAML authentication with AEM and for this purpose the AEM granite SAML authentication handler has been configured with the saml url. But on sign in, 403 forbidden. Possible reasons ?
Crx authentication handler login url may have to be configured
Referrer filter may have to be configured
Saml idp url was wrong
SP details was wrong
A set of pages follow template A. You add a new component in that template and then refresh those pages again. You don’t see the component there. What is the reason ?
Browser cache
The changes on templates only starts reflecting on new pages using the template.
Pages have to be recreated
Component path was wrong
Jsp might have to be recompiled
http://somedomain/abc.html?v=10. To cache this page, what should be done ?
Use /ignoreUrlParams
Use selectors
Use Prefix
General advantage of caching?
Faster page load, better performance
Slow responce
Attaching resources with URL
Saving from the threats
There are a few pages being CUG in an application. To cache them, what needs to be done ?
Define separate virtual host for CUG pages
Set /allowAuthorized to 0
Define /directories under /sessionmanagement
Have a separate farm for CUG based pages
Which one is used to maintain repository content in a tool like Subversion?
felix web console
jcr nodes
Annotation used to declare a service factory?
@component( configurationFactory = true )
@component( configurationFactory = False )
Mail service to be configured to send e mails from AEM
mail API
email token configuration
Day CQ API service
What is the Importance of -<identifier> in com.service.customservice.config-<identifier> sling:osgiconfig file?
It is a mandatory that accepts open free text and uniquely identifies the service.
service is fully configured
configuration is ready
A user customizes a osgi configuration on crxde, what should he ensure ?
Node of type sling:folder on /apps/myapp/config
Node of type sling:folder on /apps/myapp/install
Developer used 3 types of runmodes author, foo, bar. How to identify the activities of the instances that run only on the foo runmode?
when CQ is installed. which errors are listed by default.
If dispatcher is not optimally configured, what causes it may be
Extra load on publisher
Caching issue
Pages are not cached
which are the all mandatory parameters to debug?
server, suspend , address , transport
server, suspend , address , jar
server, port , address , transport
server, suspend , jar, port
if we are saving sling folder in nt:unstructured? what will happened?
Both will saved
only nt:unstructured will save
we cannot save nt:unstructured in in Sling folder
client library - benefits
To import libraries n to modularize js n css files
using categories
To add new organization thru text file
JavaScript Code
what is primary type of config which is created by felix console in apps/*/system/config?
sling folder
mixin node
How can we recognize the configuration file in Crx?
Developer creates a sling:folder and inside it creates node of type sling:OsgiConfig. What is he trying to achieve?
Create configuration
Creating jar file in crx
install bundles
install defaults
Which is the correct way to login when there is user mapping n service?
Slingrepository.loginService(String subServiceName, String workspace)
Slingrepository.loginService(String subServiceName)
Slingrepository.loginService(String workspace)
Slingrepository.loginsling(String subServiceName, String workspace)
There is a logger factory configuration at the path apps/myproj/config.Foo.publish-something what is the significance of the path
config denotes configuration
component and template data jar
something denotes configuration instance name - not correct for the PATH
Foo.publish denotes run mode
Cache not working and we are get out of memory error? what exactly happened here?
replication not set properly
There are sessions which have not been logged out
Infinite loop due to replication issue
replication & reverse at same location
Why do we add exclusions in .gitignore file?
To exclude ide specific files and
Generated files not related to code base
Patterns read from the command line for those commands that support them.
A gitignore file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore
Syntax for storing parameter in cq:widget?
How to view debug logs?
set log level = debug in logging logger configuration
set loglevel = debug on cmd line parameter
set log level= debug in logging writer
start aem in debug mode
Query search is taking longer time. Debug is necessary. Hence the suggestion is to debug the search service.
Write a log writer service to get the debug logs of the sling search service
Write a log writer service to get the debug logs of the search service
Write a logging log service to get the debug logs of the sling search service
Objects in AEM?
current Design
Current node
current resource
default log level of root log?
how does a dialog inherit the properties from another dialog?
Which statement about the docroot parameter in the cache section of the CQ Dispatcher configuration file is true?
It should be the same path where the CQ server is installed.
It should be the same as the one configured in the repository as docroot property
It can be any path inside the filesystem that can be modified by the Web server.
It is required to be the same as the document root of the Web server.
What is the main advantage of using a template over a component ?
Allow creation of a page with default components
Restrict other components/templates within
you can include several components within