Criado por ray :)
quase 8 anos atrás
What are the 4 carbon based compounds?
What is a monomer?
What are the 4 most common elements in living organisms in order of most abundant?
Why is carbon particularly important?
What is Condensation?
What is Polymerization?
What is hydrolysis?
What are monosaccharides?
Give 3 examples of monosaccharides.
What are the two isomers of glucose and what is the difference between them?
What monomers join together to give; disaccharides, maltose, sucrose and lactose.
How are those disccharides formed?
How is Starch formed?
In what form is starch found in plants?
Where is a large amount of starch stored in the plant?
What are the 2 types of starch?
Describe amylose.
Describe amylopectin
Why is amylopectin quicker to digest?
Why is starch the ideal storage compound?
Describe Glycogen.
Where is glycogen stored in humans and why is it stored there?
Describe Cellulose.
Why is cellulose not easy to digest?
What are reducing sugars and give examples.
How would you test for a reducing sugar?
How would you test for a non-reducing sugar?
How would you test for starch?
Cotton is in plant fibre used to make cloth. Explain how cellulose gives cotton its strength.