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Mapa Mental sobre Globalisation & Neoliberalism, criado por ellierose1808 em 07-05-2014.

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Globalisation & NeoliberalismProcess of economic globalisation which radicallyintensifies within first half of 20th and 21CMAIN IDEAIncrease in volume of trade andinvestment built upon aninternational division of labourwhich inter-links state economiesin a new wayCreation of global markets incommodities, natural resources, finance,tech result in high levels of ecointer-dependance between nationaleconomiesDependant on each other and highly sensitive tochanges in global markets like capitalismFluid movement of capital acrossnational boarders - states incompetition to secure capital(domestic & foreign investment)Redesigning role of state 1980sKEY IDEAAdopt policies which de-regulate economy and open it up to the global marketFree market principles (and self-interest) todirect the national economyPrivitisation of formerlynationalised assets such asenergy, transport..currently SussexsituAdam Smith - invisiblehand' pf market guidedby private actorsengaged in self-interstHOW IT HAS AFFECTED RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALSState interference as band as free marketas only means of securing eco growth anindividual libertyProviding social justice is no longer a rolepursued by the state - indi moral responsibility(to work hard, save, invest wisely)PROBLEMS WITH NEOLIBERALISMReplaces an ineffective public monopoly with ineff privateMarket failure - external factorsnot accoutned for e.g.environmental and theirsubjection to crisisOwner accountability?Limitation of democracy - willof the people as danger tothe working of free marketCreation of greater inequality as wealthy elite accumulatesgreater wealth via attaining cheap private ownership ofpublic assets• Does neoliberalism involve a minimalist government? Or does it require avery activist government to continually create markets, defend them, andsave them (i.e. saving British banks from bankruptcy) in times of crisis?• Should all public assets be privatised? How does this fit with an idea ofsocial justice? • Negative or positive liberty? • A constitutional order ofequality, or , a constitutional order of egoism?Clique duas vezes aqui para editar o textoClique e arraste este botão para criar um novo tópico