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Quiz sobre Chapter 7, criado por jbrumski22 em 08-05-2014.

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Chapter 7

Questão 1 de 10


Early European magazines were oriented toward _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. recent news

  • B. medical and health advice

  • C. discussions of women's issues

  • D. broad political commentary

  • e. hunting and fishing trips


Questão 2 de 10


In 1828, Sarah Josepha Hale started the first magazine directed exclusively to a female audience called _______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Harper's

  • B. Godey's Ladies Book

  • C. Youth's Companion

  • D. Ladies' Magazine

  • E. Ladies Home Magazine


Questão 3 de 10


The term muckraker ___________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. described investigative reporters who only wrote about American institutions in a positive light

  • B. was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt because he was angry with negative reporting

  • C. described reporters who wanted to write in the simplistic and conventional style of newspaper journalism

  • D. was seen as an insult by leading investigative reporters

  • E. None of the above options is correct


Questão 4 de 10


Which magazine was the foremost outlet for photojournalism in the mid-twentieth century?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • The North American Review

  • The Nation

  • Harper's

  • The Saturday Evening Post

  • Life


Questão 5 de 10


One of the reasons for TV Guide's popularity was that _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. its first issue featured Elvis

  • B. it offered lurid commentary about TV stars

  • C. it was initially free

  • D. many newspapers hadn't yet started publishing TV listings

  • E. All of the options are correct


Questão 6 de 10


Which popular magazine was launched in 1974 by Time Inc.?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. Sports Illustrated

  • B. The Saturday Evening Post

  • C. People

  • D. Life

  • E. TV Guide


Questão 7 de 10


An example of a magazine that was conceived of online-only is___.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Time

  • TV Guide

  • Wired

  • Entertainment Weekly

  • Slate


Questão 8 de 10


Hugh Hefner's Playboy magazine became an instant success in 1953, thanks in part to ________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. insightful feminist articles

  • B.articles that criticized divorced and working women

  • C. an expensive TV ad campaign

  • D. sending free xopies to one million male college students

  • E. a nude calendar foldout of Marilyn Monroe


Questão 9 de 10


Which of the following is true about minority-targeted magazines?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. They were popular during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, but have mostly gone out of business since then.

  • B. They have a history dating back to before the Civil War, with titles like Emancipator and Reformer.

  • C. They have a history dating back to the first half of the twentieth century, with titles like Negro Digest and Ebony.

  • D. Most of them started out as Webzines in the last ten years.

  • E. Minority-targeted magazines cover only racial minorities.


Questão 10 de 10


A main purpose of split-run and demographic editions of magazines is to ______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A. move the magazine industry back to more general-interest publications

  • B. make sure that local and regional companies are cut off from advertising in nationally distributed magazines

  • C. attract more targeted advertisers and compete with television advertising

  • D. None of the options is correct

  • E. create fewer places for advertisers to compete with television advertising
